Session 4 - Alkaid Makes A Friend Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 4 - Alkaid Makes A Friend

General Summary

Emerging from the mystical portal, our brave team found themselves in a mysterious marshland, its terrain characterized by purple mud and colossal lily pads forming precarious platforms. Towering trees with elaborate root systems pierced the mud, surrounded by the symphony of nature – the buzzing of insects, croaking of frogs, and the lively ambiance of birds. The humidity enveloped them, prompting Reia to attempt, albeit unsuccessfully, to use Prestidigitation to make the environment more comfortable. Amidst the vibrant life around them, the group observed countless insects, frogs, and lizards navigating the mud. Taking a moment, Reia demonstrated the spell Identify to Kilian, unveiling the secrets of the leather armor acquired from a previous chest. A scroll with a riddle, "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind," was deciphered by Reia. The answer, "Echo," transformed the scroll into a Scroll of Feather Fall, a gift passed on to Elenna.   Curiosity led Elenna to take a whiff of the marsh's mud, finding it unpleasantly rank. In a playful exchange, Alkaid dared her to taste it, resulting in a cupful of mud being offered. Unsurprisingly, Alkaid declined the unconventional beverage.   Navigating the marsh on giant lily pads, the adventurers noticed smaller frogs joining them fearlessly. Alkaid attempted to feed one, creating an instant bond as the frog perched comfortably on her shoulder. As they approached a large tree's root section, Eriphise leaped onto it, unknowingly catching the attention of unseen eyes beneath the roots.   Suddenly, chaos ensued as a Froghemoth, a mutant monstrosity, emerged from the bog. Its swift tongue snatched Reia into its gaping maw, plunging her into darkness and acid. Battling to keep their balance on the lily pads, the team struggled against the Froghemoth's onslaught, tentacles wreaking havoc.   Alkaid, retreating to a safer distance, unleashed planar arrows at the creature, praying for Reia's safety inside. Eriphise, displaying remarkable agility, leaped onto the Froghemoth's back, relentlessly attacking while avoiding its deadly maw.   In a desperate attempt, Reia, trapped within the Froghemoth's stomach, unleashed Thunderwave, causing the creature to belch and creating an opportunity to use her Blessing from the Raven Queen. With a burst of purple shadow, she teleported to safety, slowly descending with Feather Fall.   Suddenly, a second Froghemoth suddenly appeared, ambushing Alkaid and devouring her. Eriphise, undeterred, instructed Elenna to assist her. Blinking invisible, Eriphise drove her blade into the creature's neck. Enraged, Elenna barrels towards the new Mutant Frog who tries to also pull her into his jaws. She resists as she starts to deal massive damage over and over again, surprising the creature.   Alkaid, drenched in stomach acid, struggled to protect herself and her newfound frog companion. Meanwhile, poor Reia found herself swallowed once more, but this time, her radiant fireworks annihilated the first Froghemoth from the inside, allowing her to drag herself from his gullet.   Though battered, they rush to help Elenna but there is no need as her rage is almost visible off her body and she destroys her foe. Alkaid is burped from his mouth as he dies. Exhausted but victorious, the team retrieved loot from inside both creatures and settled on a lily pad to rest, healing their wounds from the perilous encounter.

Enter the Nexus
Report Date
10 Feb 2024

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