Session 3 - Trial Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 3 - Trial Report

General Summary

In the heart of a sprawling cavern, our intrepid band of adventurers follows a path well-trodden, hinting at the forgotten veins of an ancient mine. The air is alive with the whisper of history, and a crystalline river, shimmering with a pink glow, flows like a stream of dreams, weaving through the expanse. Reia, dispatches her owl, Tomo, to scout the surroundings, uncovering a fallen tree bridging the glowing river.   The Valandor of the group recognize the celestial river, "Luminaris Torrent," as it plays a crucial role in the creation of the Astraflux Elixir. The Luminaris Torrent flows with ethereal energies, weaving through the cosmic landscapes and converging at the heart of the Celestial Nexus.    Reia, the cunning mage, dispatches her owl companion, Tomo, to scout ahead. Tomo reveals a fallen tree blocking the path, and further exploration unveils a broken bridge spanning the radiant river. The adventurers notice two large white moose grazing and wading through the Luminaris Torrent. Alkaid, attempting to communicate with them, finds himself at a loss, and his offering of berries and grain angers the territorial beasts. Eriphise steps forward, using her charm to soothe the moose and avert potential conflict. The moose respond positively, allowing the group to proceed.   With resolve, they traverse the broken bridge, a testament to their courage and a prelude to their plunge into the unknown — a decision that leaves them drenched but unharmed by the mystic waters. Undeterred, they step through a portal, finding themselves in a serene forest, its beauty untouched by time, where a large pond serves as the silent and serene onlooker to their next challenge.    Navigating the muddy banks, marked by the passage of unknown creatures, they conquer the cliffside with only a single spell of feather fall cast. Their strength and bravery is rewarded as two chests are revealed. These chests, one ensnared in magic's glow, the other a simple challenge of lock and key. As Alkaid unveils a scroll from the mundane, Reia and Kilian tackle the enigma of the magical chest, their efforts causing a disterbuing echo across the tranquil waters.   Reia's discovery of a leather armor chest piece is cut short by Alkaid's urgent call to flee through yet another portal, his findings pocketed in haste. As the ripples on the water betray what might lurk beneath, they leap into the unknown once more, leaving the echoes of their adventure to whisper through the trees.   Treasure acquired:

  • Scroll 
  • Leather Armor (unidentified)

Enter the Nexus
Report Date
03 Feb 2024

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