Elizabeth's Birthday Game (2021)

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Quinterra
4-18-21 4-18-21 | Full
Supporting Cast

Sessions Archive

8th Apr 2021

The Story So far

The story up till now   Several weeks ago, your group was hired by the local town to deal with some problems they'd been having. Crops were dying for no reason. Strange noises were being heard in the night. etc. There were local legends surrounding a set of ruins that are 3 days travel from the town. It was beleived that these ruins were the cause of the recent troubles.   Your group traveled to the ruins and found runes scorched into the stone in demonic writing. After some unsuccessful attempts to simply scrach out the runes, you determeind that there was something hidden powering them. The group found a set of stairs that lead into the earth. After a day or two of exploration and fighting with the locals (animate skeletons, minor demons, etc.) you found a trap door in one of the rooms below the earth and more signs of a demonic presence. Below the trap door was a large natural cavern were the group discovered an ancient structure that was some kind of vault. It thrumed with demonic energy and the following became apparent:   1. This was the source of the problems and left uncheck they would get worse 2. It was activated only very recently 3. It was poorly defended and if you didn't strike now you may not have another chance later   So, the group ventured into the structure. After dealing with traps and more locals you found the item responsible for what was going on and destroyed it. This was however not without consequences. Fred was killed in the final battle. You were able to retrieve the body and gave him a proper burial near the ruins on the surface.   You have now travelled back to town (another 3 days) and have gotten in the early evening. The mayor is unwilling to meet with you at such a late hour but you were promised he would see you tommorrow afternoon. You found a few magic items (part of why the group has so much at their disposal) and about 400 gold coins. Unfortunately, this money is acient in design and no one is willing to treat it as "real". You've been informed of another store keeper that deals in historic artefacts that might be willing to purchase the coins off of you. But their shop is only open 3 days a week and won't be open for 2 days from now.   You have decided to travel to the local tavern in order to get some food and discuss as a group your next move.

Read the Report

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Karwyn Solstice

Feldspar Merrlin

the scout Fred

True Neutral svirfneblin ()
Rogue 6
34 / 34 HP