Session IV: Back to Fallinghollow Report

General Summary

Returning to Fallinghollow, the adventurers find themselves thrust into an investigation of kobold sightings at farms near Fallinghollow. The Botulfson, Gyre, and Orgrum farms all reported sightings.

Botulfson's Farm
The adventurers arrived to fins the house, fields, and barn had been burned. Liam and Aiwen discovered a single burnt corpse and Glavrook fell into a well. Siflin and Aiwen rushed to his aid and he was able to escape, relatively unscathed.
Gyre's Farm
The Gyre Farm had also been burnt, however this time, the crops were left untouched. Two wolves covered in sinister black briars encircled the livestock. Aiwen, Siflin, and Glavrook moved to dispatch the wolves, while Vaks identified a trail of tracks leading towards the Orgrum farm and Liam looked in the ruins for victims. Examining the wolves, it was clear that these briars were of supernatural origin.
Orgrum Farm
The most wealthy of farms investigated so far, as the adventurers arrived they discovered two farmhands being harassed by two fire mephits while trapped in a burning barn. The heroes made quick work of the elementals while saving the farmhands and continuing to investigate the property. Within the farm manor, they found the cindered corpses of Lord and Lady Orgrum. While interviewing the farmhands about the events that occurred, they learned some key information.
  • The Orgrum's daughter, Heith, and her tutor, Gendal, were unaccounted for.
  • The attack was committed by a large walking tree that vaguely looked like a man covered in black briars.
Aiwen followed a trail to the tree line, hoping to get a view of the villains. There, she found a traumatized teenage dwarf girl. Heith had been found and brought back to her home, where she told the heroes what she had seen:
  • A large walking tree-man covered in black briars
  • A humanoid woman with snake companions
  • Two flying firey creatures
Heith had a good idea of which direction the villains had gone and pointed the adventurers that way.
Ingunn's Cabin
Heith's directions led the heroes to a cabin in the woods. As they begin their investigation, they are ambushed by three vipers. With the ruckus, they alert the resident of the cabin, Ingunn, a half-elven woman who lives on the outskirts who invites the heroes in and offers them hospitality. She is acting nervous as the heroes continue to interrogate and refuse some of her hospitality which causes her to lash out. She is knocked unconsious by Vaks, and the heroes look around the cabin for clues. During their search, they see the large tree figure covered in the same black briars they have been searching for. Overhearing the conversation it is having with a dwarven figure, the tree crushes the dwarf after reprimanding it and begins to lumber off....

Rewards Granted




  • A gold ring worth 12gp
  • A potency crystal
  • a holly bush feather token
  • herbs worth 15 gp


1000 / 1000 EXP

Missions/Quests Completed

Return to Fallinghollow
Investigate the Botulfson Farm
Investigate the Gyre Farm
Investigate the Orgrum Farm
Track Down the Culprits

Character(s) interacted with

  • Raskir 
  • Heith Orgrum
  • Ingunn

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