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A Dungeon World game In the world of Ezoring
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Jennifer Darksong
    A unknown fighter with powerful unknown magic that has never before been seen in these lands or any for that matter. she seems shrouded in mystery and darkness while remaining aloof and at times friendly.

Chapter: 11 Secrets Unvailed

Sessions Archive

27th Jun 2020

Chapter 10: A whole new world

30th May 2020

Chapter 9: A New Beginning

29th May 2020

Chapter 9: A New Beginning

28th May 2020

Chapter:9 Rebirth

22nd May 2020

Chapter 8: The gathering of champions

16th May 2020

24th Apr 2020

24th Apr 2020

Chapter: 7 The Unorthodox Calamity

16th Apr 2020

Chapter 5: The King of Gold

8th Apr 2020

Chapter 5: Hero's are Born not Made

6th Apr 2020

Bonus Quest: The Quest of The Supreme Arc Wizard Corvus The Great Damn It!

3rd Apr 2020

Chapter 4: Hell on Earth

29th Mar 2020

Chapter 3: The Sands of Time

29th Mar 2020

Bonus Quest: Hells Rising

27th Mar 2020

Chapter 2: Servants of Hell

26th Mar 2020

Chapter 1: Welcome to Hell

25th Mar 2020

Prelude: You are Dead

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Level 20 Bar
/ 362 HP


Level 20 drider chaotic neutral druid
/ 120 HP


Level 25 Vodling Cleric,palidun
/ 200 HP

Champion Gon

Level 20 Gnome? LG Barbarian
(Za'heaids champion )
/ 420 HP


Level 20 Hollow One High Elf Lawful Evil Wizard
/ 140 HP