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Rise of the Runelords

A Pathfinder 2e game In the world of Golarion
11/24/2020 | Full


  • Sandpoint Town
  • Sandpoint Highlands
Supporting Cast
  • Ameiko Kaijitsu
    Ameiko’s exotic beauty is more than matched by her skill at music, and few are the evenings that pass without at least two or three songs by the talented woman.
  • Bethana Corwin
    Assistant Innkeeper at Rusty Dragon
  • Jasper Korvaski
    (LG male human paladin 3/expert 1) In his younger years, Jasper was a paladin of Abadar, and although he’s long since given up the more dangerous lifestyle of a crusader, he remains loyal and devout.
  • Kendra Deverin
    Mayor of Sandpoint. Middle Aged Women
  • Shalelu Andosana
    Kiera Knightly from King Aurthur
  • Sherif Balor Hemlock
    Sheriff Belor Hemlock (CG male human fighter 4), a native Shoanti who inherited the post of sheriff when the previous holder, Casp Avertin, was murdered by Chopper. Belor saw the town through that last terrible night and is generally held to be the man who stopped Chopper’s rampage. In the emergency election that followed a week later, the people of Sandpoint officialized his role, and Belor became the first Shoanti sheriff of Sandpoint. Honored and eager to live up to Casp’s legacy,
  • Thorne The Grey
    Old wizard. Beard.
  • Tsuto Kaijitsu
    Lover of Nualia and Brother of Amiku

Sessions Archive

2nd Sep 2022


19th Nov 2021

What Lies Beneith

12th Nov 2021

Sleeping in Old Kintargo

1st Feb 2021

Missing Bartender and Glassworks.

13th Jan 2021

Burnt Offerings 2: Local Heros 2

5th Jan 2021

31st Dec 2020

The Flooded kings courrt

22nd Dec 2020

Burnt Offerings 2: Local Heros

24th Nov 2020

Burnt Offerings 1: Swallow Festival

The Swallowtail Festival begins promptly, as scheduled, on the first day of autumn. The square before the church quickly becomes crowded as locals and travelers arrive, and several merchant tents featuring food, clothes, local crafts, and souvenirs are there to meet them.

From the idyllically peaceful coastal town of Sandpoint to an ancient lost city at the top of the world, Rise of the Runelords takes a party of adventurers from 1st to over 15th level and delves into the mysteries of Varisia's ancient past. Millennia ago, the powerful empire of Thassilon ruled the land, dominated by despotic runelords who maintained their power through harnessing the power of rune magic. Thought gone forever, the working of Thassilon are not so far beneath the surface and one of the runelords plans a return to power. Only the brave adventurers stand in his way.

This story is told by