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Mysteries of the Academy

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Linnoth
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Supporting Cast
  • Aelin Adrenn
    Aelin is a young student at the Academy. She is quiet, shy, and polite. She loves to draw pictures and sing songs, but isn't very confident in herself. She often gets teased by her peers and is sometimes called weird.
  • Brayden Kheely
    Brayden is a senior student at the Academy. He is good-natured, kind, and respectful, but always up for a friendly competition. He excels in sports and works hard to win competitions with his classmates. Brayden is popular among his friends and is respected by teachers. He is soon to graduate and has good chances to become a Blade of Aeonir.
  • Professor Conar Closs
    Conar Closs is a teacher at the Academy. He is a serious man with a calm demeanor. He teaches history and lore, so his classes tend to be long and boring. His class is known for being difficult for students, especially for those who don't like reading books.
  • Professor Derinia Distle
    Derinia Distle is is a teacher at the Academy and teaches medicine, biology, and botany. She is considered one of the best teachers at the Academy. Derinia is very passionate about teaching and loves her job. She takes care of the healing ward at the Academy and helps out when there are injuries.
  • Professor Ewan Smoak
    Professor Ewan Smoak is the dean of students. He is a kind and understanding teacher, who cares deeply about all his students. He takes special interest in those who show talent in the arts or sciences. Professor Smoak is often seen walking around the Academy, talking to students and keeping watch over them.
  • Grigori Polasni
    Grigori Polasni is a famous painter from Ruvandiya, the country in the east of the continent. He was invited to the academy to share his paintings depicting famous events.
  • Meilyn Shaw
    Meilyn is a student at the Academy. She likes to prank teachers and fight other students and is often rude, loud, and boisterous. She has no respect for authority and tends to do whatever she wants regardless of whether it's right or wrong. She is often seen alone, because other students fear her and avoid her altogether.
  • Headmaster Szena Stern
    Headmaster Szena Stern is the headmaster of the Academy. She is strict, stern, and reserved. Many students are intimidated by her and try to stay away from her as much as possible. She is known for having a sharp tongue and harsh punishments. Her office is located in the highest tower of the Academy, which provides a great view over the city.

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