Krynn Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Krynn
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Supporting Cast
  • Bakaris Uth Estide
    Bakaris the Younger is a cowardly cad who is generally considered one of the village's annoyances.
  • Becklin Uth Viharin
    Solamnic Knight of the Order of the Crown who has served as castellan of Thornwall Keep in Vogler. This is as much an official charge from her superiors as it is an easy retirement. She was once an adventurer with Ispin Greenshield and Cudgel Ironsmile.
  • Darrett Highwater
    Darrett is a fastidious, aspiring knight who serves Becklin Uth Viharin. He was abandoned a decade ago in town before coming under Becklin's wing. He is well-read and courtious, though sometimes catches himself talking in ways he considers less than knightly, which he apologizes for profusely.
  • Ridomir Ironsmile
    The dwarven commander of the Ironclad Regiment.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Magnus Onyxflame

Magnus Onyxflame

Magnus Onyxflame

Xaro Aeoman

Xaro Aeoman

Oslin Rudur