Session 3, Letters, Cookies, and Herbs

General Summary

While camping on their way back to Haven from Woodwell, the party encountered a strange, sickly old man who began babbing in incoherent nonsense in common, elven, and dwarvern about escaping a facility somewhere where he thought it was fall, hearing festival music, and wondering how the "war" was going. Tiblamir, thinking to end his suffering, attacked him, and with the other party members, easily subdued him with Firion dealing the killing blow. Inspecting his corpse, they saw that his body was infested with white, thread-like parasites. Firion also identified the crest on his weathered mantle as that of the new deposed House Brutoris.
When they arrived in Haven the following evening, they found the town mostly empty, as many of the townsfolk were attending the weekly mass and social event at the chapel. Firion and Tiblamir chose to wait at the Apothecary for the Herbalist's return, while Reinhardt ran into Harald at the guild hall, the latter having filed a D-rank request for information regarding a missing child. Reinhardt told Harald he'd keep an eye out for a child matching the request description, and Harald invited him to join him while he picked up Minnie from the service.
During the after service social event, Reinhardt met Guildmaster Federik Haywood, as well as Reverend Mother Claudette Frolo, who displayed an open prejudice towards Harald. Reinhardt also observed the Reverend Mother react strangely when she saw Minnie with Harald before he took some leftover cookies back to the Guild.
While Reinhardt was away, Tiblamir and Firion met with Masha and Shayna, handing in the ingredients they collected and agreeing to begin training the next day. The party met back up at the Guild where they shared information and Firion received letters and homemade pastries from his family, learning that a festival to celebrate his brother's engagement would be held at the end of the next month. The group decided to spend 2 weeks training with the Herbalists before investigating the strange, intelligent wolves to the South.

The Space Between Stars
Report Date
21 Apr 2024

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