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Sea of Kings

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Aronia
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  • Nauseian Empire
    The people of the Nauseian empire are mainly made up of Drow, Warforged, Genasi, and Tortles. The people of the Nauseian empire are a peace and quiet people. Peace is their main focus along with keeping the peace and keeping there people in line at all times.   There capital is Taulaime a city of majestic marble walls, homes made of humble painted stone, and palaces made of emerald.     There exports are mainly fine silks and elaborate gems or rarity and of magical properties.     There main imports are of fine metals and normal metals.     They follow a monarchy of matriarchy.
  • The Kingdom of Mervia
    Mervia is a kingdom mainly occupied by Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs who are a very prideful people. They hold wealth above all else and there statues in the kingdom is determined by the blood and there wealth. There capital is Morum, a large city with towering walls of silver, homes of bronze, and Castles of gold.     There main exports are of fine metals like gold, silver, and bronze along with large sources of grain and other food based goods.   There main imports are of fine silks and sturdy metals like iron, and steel.   They follow a traditional monarchy structure of ruling by blood.
  • Neutral Trading Companies
    The CEOs of the trading companies handle each and every trade ensuring the fairness from each country. They are greedy but fair traders and are always looking to bargen, also they take a small tax cut from each trade as they have a presence in every kingdom as there Treaserers.   There capital is Tyno Ha, a modest city as a set of lares, 1st the cheap layer, 2nd the modest layer, 3rd the layer of pure gold and ruby.     They handle all imports and exports for each country as they commission coinmasters to kingdoms to control the economy.     They are a pure capitalist country.
  • Aronia
    Aronia was a peaceful land that once held people who saw one another as equals and friends. That was before the greed that effects all races consumed a group of adventures. The adventures delved into an old ruin that lead into the heart of Aronia. Very little is know of the events that transpired withing the labyrinth of the ruins but it caused the world to flood. The once prosperous lands of Aronia slowly submerged and became the Archipelago that we know today. Out of the 12 that delved into the ruin only 4 reemerged to find there world submerged and transformed. They never spoke to each other again on friendly terms as they became guides to there lost people. The human of there group became the king of Mervia, his family still rules to this day. The Dragon born survivor took any and all of his kind and founded the Principality of Calog a land only ruled by those of dragon blood. The young Drow huntress disguested by the events took a vow of silence and founded the silent empire of Nauseian where the elves reign in honor bound silence. The final survivor was a half orc who was forever scared decided to just wander the lands of his old home, as he traveled he grew wiser and wiser deciding to create a governing council of the remaining tribes of his old land, they are ruled by the 3 tribes of Cyzanian. The remaining islands were acquired by a more uncommon factions of individuals. The lands south of Mervia was "acquired" by the large number of pirates that began to plague the lands following the flood, they are the Lawless Lands. The lands north of Calog were acquired by the surviving trading guilds and there riches, they quickly managed to gain a foothold and begin to rebuild there connections to the new kingdoms. The wold is held by a very thin agreements of those who left the ruins, but tensions are climbing and the world is coming to a boiling point. What will come of Aronia and the kingdoms within? Only time will tell......
  • The Lawless Land
    This land as no main group or groups of people as it has been claimed by pirates who make their own lawless living within the lawless land. The pirates range from many kinds of attitudes from the average thieving ass hat who will steal everything you have and cut off your hand just cuz, to the robinhood type pirate how steals from the corrupt and gives back to his crew believing they are stealing for the greater good.   The lawless land has no capital, each of their village collections of pirates have there own flair from the more modest stone houses to the more body decorated hell holes.     They have no exports as they just deal on whatever they steal.     They have no imports they don’t trade in the common sense they strictly steal and sell whatever the ship the robbing has.     They are not ruled per say but they do adhere to the pirate code, mostly.
  • Cyzanian Confederation
    The people that make up the Confederation are Tabaxi, Lizardfolk, Yanti Pureblood, and Orcs. The people of the Confederation are a more tribe-like people based on survival of the fittest and the strongest of each of the big three tribes become the council of three.   The capital of the Confederation is Pei Orc, mainly just a large number of tribe tents, teepees, and huts.     There main exports are of weapons and the crafting ships ranging from just the average trading ship, to airships citadel of iron and death.     There main imports are of basic metals and food goods.     They follow a council of 3 grand chieftains/chiefettes.
  • Principality of Calog
    The main people of Calog are Dragonborn, Half-Dragon, Dragons, Dragon-likes, and Kobolds. The people of Calog are a xenophobic people who allow limited interaction with other non dragon races, strictly for trading purposes.   The capital of Calog is Hoaplei, little is know of the capital but legends say that the capital is a grand collection of dragon lairs meshed together looking absolutely magnificent.     There main exports are of any and all metals along with a large share of 60% on magic items.     There main imports are of food goods and ships.     They follow a monarchy based on a prince chosen by the ancient dragons of Calog.
Supporting Cast
  • Agmon
    The warforged that was once rusty with a rusted frame and a fancy suite Agmon now travels the world in search of his people.
  • Dorn Le'izern
    Tall lean and drow with white hair and dark eyes.
  • Dusk
    A scoundrel who is a pawn for Azra. Dusk is 5'10" with grey red hair and green eyes and a heavyly scarred face
  • Surrender
    A son off Titus and a purple furred tabaxi who wears the cloths of a drifter and with white hair and pink eyes

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The Protagonists

Cleric Bethyn Debunanth

Neila Arkan

Barrik Thunman

8 / 8 HP