Book I, Chapter VIII: Sorr, the Ogre Eater! Report

General Summary

The Fallen Stars headed out from River Wagon Trail, and tracked the Ogres through a wooded area in southern Cavas. 
The Fallen Stars found the ruined village that the Town Takers were holding up in, saved the prisoners there, and recruited Drought Mahalin, a bard, to help them fight against Sorr.
The party fought against Sorr, and successfully defeated him, before a disembodied hand holding a cross brace appeared and began puppeting his dead body. 
The party once again, defeated Sorr's corpse, and reclaimed the Glaive of the Lesser Artist.
The party headed back to the wagon trail, and rejoined it for the remainder of it's journey back to Lancia. 
Drought was officially invited to the Fallen Star Adventurers, which she accepted. 
Hope took off her helmet and showed Alejandro Jose Sasario, Mira Skydiver, and Drought what she looked like.

The Falling Stars


Level .
Report Date
06 May 2024
Primary Location
Branch Bear Road

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