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Charnel Crown

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Mal's Golarion
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  • Ustalav
Supporting Cast
  • Adivion Adrissant
    A scion of one of the highest noble houses in Ustalav, but a bit of a black sheep from the sound of things. The way Adivion tells it, he ran off to be a student in the big city when the Professor was an actual professor, then dropped right back out when Lorrimor left. Presumably to join him in various independent expeditions? Possibly to fund them? Kendra calls him Vivi, and you can see from the way they interact that they're old and fond friends. Everyone else, he approaches with a practiced nonchalance that could easily be seen as a defense mechanism.
  • Father Grimburrow
    Old Grimm is the local Pharastman in the village of Harrowstone. "Father" isn't even an official title, if anything it might be "Keeper," but even that's both too broad and too formal - so when they call him "father," it's more in the sense of a respected elder. Mostly he just sees to the Yard, and he's a good man (well, a good dwarf) to ask about gardening.
  • Gibs Hephanus
    Gibs is a simple creature, a fixture in the town. He's...some folks say suspicious, some say protective, if not in very helpful ways. Bad habit of harassing new folks in town, even for an insular little village like this (most folks still call Jominda "the new girl" and she moved here at least three years ago) - and he never warmed up to Professor Lorrimor, who he saw as not even properly living here, always going off on long trips away.
  • Kendra Lorrimor-Vukal
    Daughter of the well-noted, if never well-known, Petros Lorrimor. Kendra spent most of her younger years at the Girls School of Cant, a boarding school in the country. Some of those years were spent wandering with her father, but never enough to suit her. Later in life, Kendra was married to a man by the name of Clark Vukal. They lived happily for some few years, until they were caught in some kind of attack, probably undead (possibly werewolves). Kendra doesn't talk about it, and the gossip varies. Rumor has it that Clark was injured, bitten or mauled, what-have-you - and Kendra found him lying, bleeding, amidst the blood and chaos of it. She threw herself onto him and cloaked them in a spell of sanctuary...but only just in time to watch him die, slowly. Whatever battle was going on, they say it was hours - she was trapped under her own spell with her lover's fresh corpse for company. She moved back in with her father shortly after.
  • Professor Lorrimor
    Professor Lorrimor has a particular peculiar reputation - extremely well regarded in certain very small circles. Otherwise, he's nobody at all. The Professor was an academic specializing in the morbid, the grotesque and the curious...any body who knew him, well that would be how. Remarkable features include a strong stomach and a social worker's capacity for non-judgmentalism. The man insisted on empathy, and he loved collecting stories, especially the ones no one had ever bothered to hear before. "Always check on your monsters," he would tell people. "They never seem to be quite where you left them."

Sessions Archive

1st Jun 2021

Session Zero

Professor Lorrimor is dead - found crushed under an old broken portion of the Harrowstone Prison wall, presumably the work of either nature, or else, well, everyone knows how it's haunted out there since the prison burned down. Natural or not, though, nobody suspects those living in town of foul play, and there's nobody living around here but in town. Not that anybody much cares...the professor had a precarious reputation. Plenty in the village called him necromancer, and this he neither confirmed nor denied. His daughter defends him constantly to the villagers, and she's respected enough (or at least, somewhat pitied and somewhat feared, which amounts to roughly the same) that he didn't catch too much grief. Besides, he was out abroad so often - sometimes up to Lepidstadt, other times out of Ustalav altogether. Easily the best-traveled person in town...or village, as the case may be. The village doesn't have a name, anymore; it grew up out of a quarry camp and was once called Harrowstone, then they built the prison and called that Harrowstone, and now it's burned down and nobody calls this place anything.   Here is where you're headed, to this bleak little nowhere because of some friendship or debt, some connection one way or another, to the very same Professor Lorrimor. He's made you his pallbearers, and it's fitting, really, that our story begins in a Pharast yard, a graveyard.   Yours may end there, as well.

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