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A new King

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Forgotten Realms
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Eleos Baristan
    Old, loyal, broken, helpful, Lives in Phandalin as a smith and trades and sometimes even makes magic items. He lives with his younger brother and his wife.
  • Garah Köpek
    Silent, big, grim, only acts when king is attacked or insulted, has a big beast as a pet, has a mechanical armor whih he never takes off
  • Halia Thornton
    Patient, Smart, Graceful, rich parents, lived her whole life in Phandalin
  • Hector Thetis
    King, Old, Aşils brother, Selfish, hateful, Relentless
  • Hugo Gurol
    Good-hearted animal friend who was a druid but gave up his powers, Governor of a small town
  • Kamala Zerotion
    Young, Motivated, fast, lived in Phandalin her whole life with Halia
  • Patroklos Thetis
    A fierce and strong warrior, who travels alone and is known amongst officials as a barbarian who is better left alone. He lives in the woods and few people ever fought him but it is guessed that he has powers beyond the physical.
  • Peleus Thetis
    Dead, old king
  • Governor of Neverwinter Rycrexest
    Beholder, Governor of Neverwinter, is governor because he is rich and head of the Polyarm Inc. It sells magic items from the wave echo cave, which it owns now. The Governor is a Beholder, who never leaves his Tower. He controls the Mayors of Thundertree and Phandalin
  • Zuirod Wologov
    Nerdy bookkeeper, Governor of a small town, uses his slaves forkeeping his books in order and on the newest standard. They are very educated, mostly dwarves and gnomes. Admires Rycrexest for his knowledge but has a wrong idea of him.

Back in the Future

You got back from the past and uncovered a good deal of new Information: It was the Sphinx who pulled you back, not the King. Thus, the Djinni was wrong. The Wizard tried to meddle with time, but time won. And yet things have changed. Roughly 100 years have passed since your departure and the Names Jotaro Kujo, Adimir Xelorius, Dorilion and Asil have become legends in and around Phandalin and the Kingdom of the Sword Coast. But there is no time to enjoy the fame or behold the aged statues. Because the King's young grandson took his place and is manipulated by advisors and magicians. Every magical being and many species are seen as inferior to Humans, elves, Yuan-Ti's and others are being captured, enslaved and killed, while everyone is measured by blood and power and are put under the Kings custody. Technology has advanced too but remains a luxury. It is viewed as modern magic. The oppression is hailed by some and feared by more. Magic is only legal for those of privilege and has to be registered and allowed. The unlawful use of magic or physical power against registered magic users are punished by death. The world needs some heroes, it appears.

This story is told by

The Protagonists


True Neutral Kenku (Gilde)
Rogue 1
Monk 5
31 / 31 HP