Session 12 Report-Back to Waterdeep Report 2023-03-26 Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 12 Report-Back to Waterdeep Report 2023-03-26

General Summary

Beam Me Up Scottie
There is no light here. You came to the darkness and darkness is all that ever awaits you. Surrender now and join us, or forever be slaves in our new world order.

-Red Wizard
"Very well. If you prefer to go the hard way as many of our enemies in the past have, I cannot stop you."
The Red Wizard tosses a glyph key on the ground to the party
"You will likely prefer to travel this way. I find that it's much speedier than typical means. Until we meet again."

Camzel immediately recognizes that this is the sigil of Elminster Aumar. This isn't good.

Baklor declares that he wants nothing to do with the Scary Red Bald Headed dude, and takes his leave from the party. He walks up to Farlen and gives him an Emblem of Malar and says:
Malar, The Beastlord:
I should have listened to you my friend. I was blind to the evil right in front of me. Take this and may it give you lick on your future hunts. If you are ever in these parts again, seek me out and we shall hunt together.

Without an Evil Dragon, It's Kind of Pretty In Here
This is the first chance since the party entered the dungeon that they have been able to relax, and really take in the space. While the dragon's influence has clearly polluted this place, it is obvious that it was once a grand and beautiful cavern. Upon inspection, the party determines that the whole area was used as a ceremonial space, with the Dragon's island being the location of a Funeral Pyre.

As the party admired their location and debated whether it was a good idea to go into the portal or not, Farlen went back upstairs to retrieve Byjorn, as well as spend some more time looking through the Strongholds Library. Albeit small, this too, was a sight to be seen with fresh eyes not under duress of danger. With some help from his deity, Fenmaral Mestarine, Farlen found some more books of interest (See loot).

After some trepidation, Baehyl Bruhn offered to activate the portal and go through first. She was not keen on this strange magic, but felt like anything was possible now that Nightscale was slain. She held her breath, pushed the sigil into the stone pillar which fit like a glove, and then walked through...

Downshadow, How We Missed Thee
After waiting for some time in Shakla's abode (which seems to have been slightly upgraded), Shakla came home and met the party. She explained that she had started her own restaurant using the BBQ Rat recipe from Telchar , and was doing really well!

After some discussion, the party asked Shakla to go and hunt down Stockade. With the payment of the expected bail to get her out of the... stockade, paid by Camzel Raine, Shakla and Stockade returned.

The party instructed Stockade to go and find the man that gave Camzel Raine her quest, and meet back at Shakla's new spot, the "Real Rat": -The Real Rat

After Farlen Eldor did a bit of magic to make sure the food was safe, the party had a joyous celebration, reminsincing about the adventure they had in Khundrukar. It was the first time that the party really was able to relax... and they kind of felt like... a family. PS- the Dwarves got reallly hammered. :)

After waiting some time for Stockade to return from her mission, the party was getting tired. Shakla offered for everyone to stay at her place, so the party headed back.

Upon return, there was a decent sized sack of gold on the table with a note, written in Thieves cant on it:
Well done. Here is your reward. I look forward to meeting you in Skullport.

Right at this moment, Stockade returned and was very apologetic to Camzel for not yet completing here mission. Without sharing any details, Camzel told Stockade her job was done and paid her the commission plus a handsome tip. Stockade was of course, enthralled... and she ran off in joy.

The Party Took A Long Rest

Rewards Granted


  • -10gp to Shakla to bust out Stockade from the Brig.
  • -20gp (10gp for the job and 10gp tip) to Stoackage for her services
  • +200gp for quest "Revenge For Hire"

  • +1 Talisman of Malar from Baklor
  • +1 Bearpelt from Nimira's Chambers in the Foundry Level of Khundrukar
  • +1 Book named "Architecture: Building Your Own Dewarf Fortress" in common (formerly name "Dwarf City Book")
  • +1 Book named "Knight Without Hate" written in common (Fell of the shelf when you prayed to Fenmarel Mestarine; unclear if this is fiction/legend/biography)
  • +1 Book named "History of The Zhentarim" written in common (Fell off the shelf when you prayed to Fenmarel Mestarine; has characters in book wearing garb similar to the scary Red Wizard that came through the portal).
  • +1 Book named "Origin of Slaves" written in both Ancient Dwarvish and a rough form of undercommon. It appears to be a history about the Underdark and the Gray Dwarves aka "Duergar".

    • +1 Saran-wrapped dragon's head (Black, Smells Bad, Quite a wretched looking thing)
    • +1 Deck of Ivory Tarot Cards inlaid with platinum (300gp)
    • +1 Velvet merchants cap trimmed with ermine (200gp)

    Group Loot In Bag of Holding:
    • +1 Potion of Supreme Healing
    • +1 Potion of Flying
    • +1 A rosewood plate adorned with Dwarven script (250gp) -- Intent is to take it back to Waterdeep to have it translated and then decide what to do with it.
    • +1 A porcelain tile adorned with platinum and a unicorn in relief (250gp) -- To Sell

    • +1 Greataxes bearing the smithmark of Durgheddin (More info on Durgeddin here:
    • +1 Deck of Ivory Tarot Cards inlaid with electrum (250gp)

    Missions/Quests Completed

    Revenge For Hire- Camzel got paid for killing the Great Ulfe

    Character(s) interacted with


    Plans for Waterdeep
    Farlen Eldor would like to:
    • Purchase a beanie hat/sailor hat
    • Inquire from Durnan if he knows somebody that can turn dragon skin into clothing and boots (if I get the dragon skin). This will take ~7 days of gametime to craft.
    • Seeing about getting Shakla a job in the kitchen at either Durnan's or the Castle
    • Inquire where to purchase wrist sheaths for daggers
    • Inquire from Durnan if there has been any word on the location of Elminster and the Angel (Lumalia)
    • Inquire from Durnan of a location for a forge and an honest and Trustworthy person to run the forge.
    • Return books
    • Inquire about how to use Moonstone pendant (activate and deactivate)
    • Inquire about Dagult Nevermember see if books are available on Him.
    • Inquire about possible locations to setup a forge and someone trustworthy to over see the running of it.
    • Find a little nitch that is out of the way/hidden tos et up an altar Fenmarel Mestarine.
    • Check and see if the Church needs anything done that Farlan can take care of.
    • Visit Castle Waterdeep and return books
    • inquire about Dagult Neverember and books about him
    • Inquire about a letter from Lady Silverhand (about access to the locked door in the library)
    • Inquire about a location to open a forge
    • Send letter to Lady Silverhand seeking her recommendations for a trustworthy person to run the forge and possible locations.
    • Inquire from Lady Silverhand if there has been any word on the location of Elminster and the Angel (Lumalia)

    Farlen Eldor would also like to translate the following book from Dwarvish to common:

    Baehyl Bruhn would like to:
    • Buy a shield

    Camzel Raine would like to:
    • Buy some more arrows of various varieties
    • Check back in on her lover?

    • Byjorn would like to:
      • Get out of the bag of holding :)
    Clarksville D&D
    Report Date
    11 Mar 2023
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
    The Black Lake
    This content was homebrewed by DM Baklor. Thank you to my players for making it awesome! All Rights Reserved.

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