Session 9 Report

General Summary

The party explored the tavern but didn't find the cause of any screaming. They decided to speak to Rishaal at the Book Wyrm to see if he know's anything about ghosts and the Trollskull Manor. He said he doesn't as he's only been in the city for a few years and as far as he's aware it's always been a tavern. He offers to sell them a book on ghosts and hauntings for 45gp. VreeNak buys the Find Familiar spell for 25gp. They then go and speak to Vincent about the property, he says he can investigate at a cost of 50gp a day. The party decline his offer.   They then head to the Yawning Portal where they speak to Obaya, and ask her to come to the tavern to see if she can detect any evil/undead and what might be causing it. She says she'll look for free, but if they party want her to do anything, she'll charge them.   Whilst at the Yawning Portal, Rhassan steals from from patrons, then attempts to steal from VreeNak. VreeNak notices and alerts the whole tavern to Rhassan's sticky fingers. The tavern patrons react and start to get aggressive and Durnan tells them to leave. Rhassan is chastised by the party.   They then head to the Blackstaff tower to report in. They tell her what Hlam said, and she thanks them and says that Force Grey appreciates the effort and may be in contact in the future for more tasks. The party say that the tavern may be haunted and asked for advice. Vajara suggests speaking to a cleric, but provides a scroll of Detect Good/Evil.   The party get lunch on the way back to the tavern. Obaya arrives in the the early evening and takes a look around the property. As she does so hauntings become apparent with furniture getting moved and writtings on the windows. She says that the place is obviously haunted with some strong evil, and says that the ghost can either be slain, or put to rest. At the former, the Lif the ghost throws furniture at her. Rhassan then throws a dagger at the painting of the previous owners, after noticing that Lif's portrait has turned into a scowl. This results in more furtinture being thrown at him.   The session ends with the party deciding they want to speak to Volo and try and investigate the history of the tavern, hoping to put Lif to rest so that the taint can be purged and the souls put to rest, rather than just destroying him and leaving the wound unhealed.

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist


Neutral Tiefling (Criminal / Spy)
Sorcerer 3
17 / 17 HP
Report Date
18 Oct 2022

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