Session 8 Report

General Summary

The party fought the bandits at the guardpost and nearly died. Despite one of the bandit's running, Rhasan getting stuck in the pit, unable to escape despite help nearly cost the party their lives. With one bandit left alive shooting, VreeNak and Orianna on death saves, Stormborn manages to stablise them. Hlam arrives and kills the last bandit. They short rest and Stormborn heals Orianna and VreeNak to awakeness. They then meet Hlam in his cave and he gives the "Twin Face of Evil (Manshoon/DR Zhent)" warning. He says some more cryptic nonsense and the party leave.   They take a long rest at the top of the mountain before heading back down in the morning. When they get to town they decide to first try and sell their manticore parts at Fizzbin's alchemist, before getting upset at the prices they off, Orianna offends gnome Fizzbin and he demands they leave before he calls the guards. They then find another alchemist, dwarf Hengann, who offers slightly lower prices for their gear, the party agrees.   They get brunch and return to their manor to find the locks have been changed. They go to the Steam and Steel to get their keys, Rhasan buys 4 daggers and Orianna orders a necklace for her new amythest.   They go to Fala's to meet her, where VreeNak buys a feywild seed for his ceremony, and hands over the vial of drow poison to be identified. Fala says come back tomorrow to retrieve it.   They go back to their manor and conduct the fey ceremony, pouring their happiest memories into the seed to sprout it and bring it to life. The seed germinates, and sprouts and grows. Then a ghostly scream of a child pierces through the tavern and the seedling descates and dies before their eyes. The child's scream ends with a loud bang in the basement.

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist


Neutral Tiefling (Criminal / Spy)
Sorcerer 3
17 / 17 HP
Player Journals
Session 8 Notes by Orianna
Report Date
18 Oct 2022

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