Session 10 Report

General Summary

The session begins with Obaya telling the party that if she is needed further she can be found at The Yawning Portal most days. The party spend the rest of the evening clearing away debris and broken furniture before bedding down for the night, which is uneventful. In the morning the party speak to Fala, where she hands back the poison to VreeNak, telling him its Drow poison, before recounting what she'd remembered from per past via her diaries. She explains that Lif used to own and run the tavern, before he became troubled and left suddenly. She assumed it was family matters, but isn't entirely clear. The tavern closed shortly after, then remained closed for decades before getting sold recently. Before it was owned by Lif she thinks it may have been an orphanage, but isn't entirely sure.   The party then go to the Magistrates Office to do a Land Registry check on the property. After some sleight of hand and foolery, they manage to pay 20gp instead of 25gp to get the following information. That they own the property, before them was Volo, before him was Lif, before him was Amaya, and before her was Lord Cuthbert.   After speaking to the Magistrate, they decide they want a Detect Magic spell, but also a spirit board to try and contact the dead. Orianna suggets going to Weirdbottle as he's known to do both legal and less than legal magic. To find Weirdbottle's shop quickly, she makes a stop at her old home and place of work - The Sinner's Paradise. She speaks to Madame Pinner, whilst the boys get drinks and take in the Dwavern dancer. Pinner gives the street name, and Orianna proposes that they speak about arranging some of the girls to work at the Trollskull Manor after it opens, she considers this.   The party go to Weirdbottles, where they buy the scroll for 25gp. They then ask about devices to contact the dead, and he digs out a spirit board, which he offers for 7gp. The party ask why they can't just copy the letters down and do it themselves. He says the information is in the pamphlet which is needed to truly make the board work. VreeNak uses his owl familiar as a distraction and Stormborn quickly reads the booklet (Nat 20). Weirdbottle gets very distressed by the owl and goes to fire a magic missile at it. The owl is dismissed and Weirdbottle demands they all leave.   After leaving Weirdbottle's they go to The Yawning Portal to speak with Volo. Volo greets them warmly and they ask him about the history of the tavern. He again says that Lif used to own the tavern before he disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and then it went up for auction, where artwork and knick-knacks were sold, before the property itself was sold. Orianna asked if the stone fresco pieces were sold, and he recalls that they were, one to Xoblob and one to Lady Cassalanter.   The session ends with the party heading to Xoblobs.

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist


Neutral Tiefling (Criminal / Spy)
Sorcerer 3
17 / 17 HP
Player Journals
Session 10 Notes by Orianna
Report Date
18 Oct 2022

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