Session 7 Report

General Summary

Sian wasn't feeling up to this session and asked us to play without her. The party had departed The Blackstaff tower and decided to undertake the Vajra's mission to speak to the monk Hlam. They navigated around the city and found the primary path up Mount Waterdeep by Castle Waterdeep. They trekked up the mountain and after an hour tripped the first encounter, where an avalanche, released by the Manshoon Zhentarim bandit Mirka, hits the party. Rhasan manages to avoid the rocks and spots a figure at the top of a ridge line, but isn't able to make out much more than they're humanoid. Unfortunately VreeNak took two hits, but used a Shield spell to block one. Stormborn on the otherhand took all three hits and got buried. The party managed to dig him out and they retreated a short way to take an hour short rest.   Rested and mostly healed, the party return up trekking up the mountain. A hour later they come across a bridge over the valley. Concerned about further traps, they agree to try a rope around Rhasan and hold onto it before he attempts to cross it. Stormborn also inspects the bridge to see if there is any signs of foul play, but doesn't find anything. As Rhasan starts to cross the bridge, a Manticore swoops down and attacks the party. Rhasan gets wounded by a spray of spikes, but the party manage to kill it, mostly through VreeNak's Tasha's Hideous Laughter causing it to fall into the rocks below and take significant falling damage. They drag the Manitcore to the shore and inspect it, before cutting off its head and tail to see if they can sell them to an alchemist later for profit. As Sian isn't there to defend Orianna, she gets lumped with carrying the tail, whilst Stormborn carries the head, having fashioned a sling from his left over rope.   The party continue up the path and find the guard outpost. They approach and explain their business, showing their passes. The "City Watch Captain" (Manshoon Zhent Bandit) Terrik warns them off, suggesting Hlam isn't worth speaking to. They insist and he lets them in, only for Rhasan to fall into the pit trap.   The sesion ends with Rhasan at the bottom of the pit and the party rolling for initative against the bandit trap.

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist


Neutral Tiefling (Criminal / Spy)
Sorcerer 3
17 / 17 HP
Report Date
18 Oct 2022

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