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The Manifestation of Valkrios

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Le'Garia
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Supporting Cast
  • Agathi Trigynria
    Brengalyn and Zagnor's mother.
  • Lord of the Ninth Asmodeus
    Asmodeus was the deity of indulgence and ruler of all devils. Asmodeus was a patron of oppression and power, the greatest devil, and the Lord of the Ninth and overlord of the Nine Hells as a whole. He is responsible for the death of Garras Silvereyes' parents.
  • Balimaar Smith
    Owner of The Stunted Meadery in Redhawk. Orianna stays the night in his room while the party is in town. She tells him to send her a letter to Wundletrundle for her.
  • Barlos Wildtopple
    One of the entertainers that travel with Nessire. Loves alcohol and good times.
  • Benito Gomez
    Trader found on the road to Oakenspire Watch. Sells Garras a bag of flour and tells the party about a slaughter that happened nearby the town.
  • Carlin Thislebus
    Gizmo’s new Assistant that was friends with Zil. She is found working on setting up the festival for Garl Glittergold.
  • Chug Dignugget
    Gnome Mechanic in Wundletrundle that makes Mechanostriders. Rescues Zagnor in a Snowstorm on the way to Wundletrundle. Quotes Brengalyn for making a Mechanostrider shaped like her.
  • Demon Queen of Chaos
    Little is known about the Demon Queen of Chaos except for Orianna's relationship with her. Somewhere down Orianna's bloodline, a relative sold their soul to her, turning them into Tieflings, so Orianna is bound to her.
  • Erpos Billowdwaddle
    Fisher from a small village east of Red Hawk called Woodhurst. He is found naked in the woods looking for his cart and business partner, Merrick Shdowbrand. Orianna gives him the rest of her cloak and a few gold coin.
  • Esmerelda Costa
    Kidnapped near Chestnut Grove by a a group of Goblins that take her back to their encampment as well as two others. Cha'ha saves the day and sleeps on her couch the same night.
  • Marquess Garros Moonridge
    Brother of Orianna Moonridge
  • Gizmo Boonspark
    Zil Boondiggles' mentor and friend. People of Wundletrundle don't seem to like him very much.
  • Gribble Nix
    Cellmate of everyone in the Western Docks Guard Tower in New Bradford. He is also wanted by the Bradford Empire.
  • Field Marshal Hadrick Gladstone
    Father of Chester Gladstone. Field Marshal and leader of the the New Bradford White Wolves. Sent out a warrant for his son's arrest for abandoning the War.
  • Halil Airileth
    Yes'vonne's mother.
  • Lt. General Huntix Trigynria
    Brengalyn and Zagnor's father.
  • Keepo Janglejaw
    Guides the party thru the Kurtmuk Caves and impresses Brengalyn in an arm wrestling match. Great cook. Keepo has family outside of the caves that give the party a bag of holding in return for helping clear the cave.
  • Klaus Fleiss
    Attacks the party with two other Werewolves on their way to Red Hawk. The party ties him up but his partner bit Brengalyn and Zagnor, so while the party is focused on them, Klaus escapes to Wolfstrand.
  • Landon Astier
    Human Adventurer that mispronounces Brengalyn’s name. Helps Brengalyn find her way around town.
  • Lazor Overhill
    Nobody in Wundletrundle seems to want to talk about Overhill. He is out on an expedition with Gizmo Boonspark to find Scarlett Asilite.
  • Lt. Le’peesh Railcup
    Gnome Lt. at The Bulwark outpost. Sends out Milidak Overtwist and Tuck Lionheart to help the party with the White Dragons.
  • Loric Quiethouse
    Half-Elf Sorcerer at Radine, The School of Magic. Offers to mentor Yes’vonne since he empathizes with the Kobold being in a city that hates them.
  • Supreme General Maxwell Gladstone
    Chester Gladstone's uncle. Sends Cha'ha a threatening note telling him and his friends to stay away from New Bradford.
  • Merrick Shadowbrand
    Business partner of Erpos Billowdwaddle. Killed by a cyclops near the Gibblebock woods. Garras finds a cloak of billowing on his dead body near the Cyclops cave.
  • Milidak Overtwist
    Gnome Ranger Wundletrundle sent to help party. Seems to have an anger problem.
  • Nessire Leafspell
    Halfing Entertainer that is on the way to Solitude Point. He owns a traveling circus and takes the party to the fork between Solitude Point and Wundletrundle. He is also from Beaburry Brook, Garras' home town.
  • Norli Haliside
    Lead Cleric of The Historic Temple of Lathander. Takes in Zil and asks the party to find Diamonds to save Zil. Sees evil Orianna and Brengalyn but doesn't know how to help them.
  • Captain Nyles Godfrey
    Found innocent at the gallows, Nyles helps the party get to Chestnut Grove and sends them on a quest to take care of mysterious killings. When he approaches the party about news from New Bradford of their presence, the party attacks and he runs. He then fights the party as Oakenspire Watch goes up in flames.
  • Lord Quill Moonridge
    Orianna's father and Duke of Erastonia.
  • Riley O'neil
    Captain of the Western Docks Guard Tower in New Bradford. Killed by Orianna Moonridge (her first kill ever). A love note from his fiance, Edith Merryweather was found on him
  • Corporal S'ven Barlet
    Guard in New Bradford Guard Tower that gets 3 fingers cut off by Garras. He follows Captain Nyles Godfrey to the party's location in the mines for revenge, however Garras kills him before he gets the chance.
  • Lady Shanirith Moonridge
    Orianna’s Mother and Ex-Dutchess of Erastonia. She was killed as a sacrifice to the Demon Queen of Chaos.
  • Thorli Haliside
    Dwarven logger that hires out the party to help chop some trees down in the Red Woods. Brother of Norli. Brings party from the Redwoods to Redhawk.
  • Tjorinn Socketgem
    Unseen gnome at the Entrance of Wundletrundle phoning people into the city.
  • Tuck Lionheart
    Human Fighter from Wundletrundle sent to help party kill The White Dragon in The Silver Hole next to Wundletrundle.
  • Valkrios
    Strangely charismatic devil that lives uses Orianna as a vessel to access the mortal plane. He killed Zil Boondiggles while he briefly took over Orianna's body. His true intentions are very unclear.
  • Zags Airileth
    Yes'vonne's father.

Scheduled Sessions

Fri 14th May 2021 8:00

Session Seventeen: Grey Eyes, White Dragon

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Zil Boondiggles

Chester "Cha'ha Whoabro" Gladstone