Episode 3: A Ringing Sound Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Episode 3: A Ringing Sound

General Summary

Last night was the 3rd session of the campaign. We're back with the original group as they decided to see how they can help the city. One player had to cancel last minute but their character was played by another player.   Characters:   Zik'Tik - Thri-Kreen Barbarian, Outlander Nak - Half-Elf Rogue, Guild Merchant/Ex-slave Vera - Human Bard (Poisonmaster), Criminal Pyrrhus - Half-Giant Fighter, Ex-Soldier of Balic Kaeor - Mul Fighter/Cleric (Earth), Ex-gladiator Devayne - Genasi Mystic, Anthropologist   The characters traveled to the Golden City's eastern gate where a large crowd had gathered. The characters had followed a palanquin that appeared to be of noble house Tyranthi. As they approached the gates Pyrrhus called to the Templars on top that Devayne had come to see his father Garreth. The templars must have recognized the name as they waved them through.   Inside the Golden City there was a large crowd near the Senate building. Just as the characters arrived they saw Senator Vildeen Tyranthi exit the palanquin they had seen earlier and go into the building. Guard were preventing others from entering. Moments later they saw Senator Agis of Asticles come out to address the crowd. Agis told the crowd that the senate was doing it's best to try and get help to the city, but their limited resources need to be spent wisely and that the senators were discussing how to proceed. He asked everyone to be patient, but the crowd was going impatient. Some crowd members shouted in protest and stated their needs. One said guards were needed for the Tradesman district as there were no templar patrols and looters to were running wild and starting fires. Another stated that 3 nobles disappeared overnight. Another said a well was being held by bandits. The Senator said they would discuss plans for fixing those issues and finished addressing the crowd.   Devayne asked to speak with the Senator before he could leave and offered the group's help. The Senator needed eyes in the city and so told the characters that he would pay them 5cp each to learn what they could of the goings on and to deal with any issues that needed handling. Since there were no templars in the city he had no way to show they were on official business but told them they could use his name, for what it was worth. After haggling and getting him to 7cp each they said goodbyes to the senator.   The woman who had spoken about missing nobles approached the group after hearing their interaction with the Senator. She implored them to look for the nobles. After convincing her to give them another 5cp each to investigate they decided it was worth their while.   The noble woman's name was Zaya, her sister Tayne had gone missing after she and her friends left the noble's house after the troubles at the arena, despite her father's insistence they stay. She left with 2 friend and they each had a bodyservant. They were headed to one of the other nobles' homes within the nobles district.   They group escorted Zaya and her guards to the home where they talked with servants, attempted to break into the lords office, and found out that Tayne knew how to read, rare and illegal even for nobles. When Vera tried to wonder off alone into the house one of the guards followed and spotted her trying to break into the lords office. Vera was able to convince him to let her off the hook, but he was not letting her out of sight after that!   With no terribly useful information gained the group began to follow the route the nobles would have taken. In doing so they interacted with some house guards who were protecting a noble's villa. The guards were not disposed to talk with the characters who obviously didn't belong in the neighborhood, but after a few soothing words from Devayne the were more agreeable to chat. The guards had seen the nobles last night, they walked down the road an crept into an abandoned estate up the street.   The characters approached and found the gates unlocked. Inside they found 6 sets of recent boot/sandal prints and 3 sets of strange 3 toed prints. No one was able to identify the 3 toed prints, but they were more or less human sized.   Inside the estate they found one dead noble, eviscerated on a table. In a nearby room 2 nobles and their guards had been desiccated and drained of essence. Vera found a pouch with 12 silver pieces! Nobles had it so easy!   Just then, Zik'tik, on the roof saw 3 forms jump over the back wall of the estate. Belgoi, monstrous humanoids who could entrance others with their psionic bells. The group hid in the house and garden to surprise the belgoi but Devayne snapped a branch while hiding in the garden and the belgoi made a run for it.   In a running battle that eventually spilled out into the streets of the noble district. The belgoi managed to dominate both Pyrrhus and Zik'tik, but the two were able to shake it off or their dominators died before they did any real damage to the party. During the chase Nak commandeered a crodlu from a noble. Ultimately the party killed 2 of the belgoi and captured the 3rd. They eventually found out that the belgoi were slaves on the ziggurat but when the slaves were freed they were also let go in the city. Originally there were 6 belgoi in the group, but they were separated from the others.   The sent a runner to get the noble family and reported what happened and got paid. They then decided that this was important information to give to the Senate and raced back to the Golden City where they were paid by Agis and passed along the information.   Play Dark Sun with Us! If you want to join the campaign it's once or twice a month (depending on your pledge level) each month on Monday's from 6-9:30pm Pacific time. You can pledge for once a month by pledging to the Dark Sun Adventurer tier (https://www.patreon.com/join/RobertAdducci/checkout?rid=1542125) or twice a month with the Dark Sun Campaigner tier (https://www.patreon.com/join/RobertAdducci/checkout?rid=1511102).

Rewards Granted

12cp and 2sp each

Character(s) interacted with

Senator Agis of Asticles Zaya, a nobelwoman

Dark Days of Tyr
Report Date
16 Jul 2019
Primary Location

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