Episode 2: Navigating Chaos Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Episode 2: Navigating Chaos Report

General Summary

In the wake of Kalak's death Chaos has washed over Tyr. Roving bands of ex-slaves seek retribution on those whose lash they felt and the templars no longer have Kalak's magic to enforce the law. Fires, looting, and mob justice have taken a hold of Tyr. Amidst the chaos six Athasians find themselves joining together to survive and discover the new normal in Tyr.   Drak'Cha, Jinx, Tahireh, Keldor, Galegar, and Kargash decide that there is safety in numbers. Tahireh is a common ally between several of the members and she seems savvy enough. They search the city for the clues as to who's in charge and what the future might hold. They find themselves in the warrens of Tyr, near the Elven Market. The elves have cordoned off the market and let few non-elves in. As the group talks they walk the streets.   A wooden door is broken as several poorly dressed ex-slaves come out of a shop bearing stolen goods. Drak'cha recognizes the shop as being owned by a surly human who's prices are too high and was known to own slaves. The group just watches the looters escape down the street with their ill-gotten gains.   A chant and a ruckus is heard from the west. The llarge buildings of the Trademan district loom. Some smoke can been seen pouring over the city from the area. The group decides to see what the commotion is. They find an older human standing atop a large wagon, several half-giants surround him protectively while he talks to a crowd of citizens. They barrage him with questions. He seems to be a leader here and tells the group that the tradesmen need help to secure the area, since the Templars are no longer patrolling. He offers 3cp for a days work to patrol the Tradesman district. He says that the senate is convening to try and get more patrols in the area.   The characters step up and agree to patrol the area so that they can get in and learn more information. They learn the man's name is Etheros. A couple of ex-slaves also join the patrol but Etheros rebuffs them due to their lack of equipment and experience. Galegar tries to persuade Etheros, but the human's disapproval at having to hire ex-slaves is visible and he remains unpersuaded. The party is given black pieces of cloth to identify them as guards and they move into the district and advised to protect the warehouses and workshops with any means necessary.   While patrolling they spot a group of 6 elves sneaking about. They follow them and find that the elves are breaking into a building. After a short battle that sees Galegar climb atop a building and Drak'Cha bound on top of it to battle some elves while others fight on the group the elves are killed. The lone exception is an elf they come to find out is named Arvos. Arvos and his fellow Dune Dancers were attempting to break into the warehouse and steal something of value, although he didn't say specifically what.   The rogueish nature of the group surfaces as they began to discuss whether they should take the goods in the warehouse or leave them. It was decided that in order to stay in with Etheros they should stay on the side of the law. Galegar and Drak'Cha investigate what was in the building and find several crates, inside some strange bags of unidentifiable herbs. Drak'Cha grabs 2 small bags and they close the crates and exit. When Arvos asks what's inside the two lie and say they found nothing, which Arvos buys. The elf is distraught that his friends died for nothing and asks to be left alive.   The group decides to take the elf to Etheros and turn him in, but on the way, the elf says he'll owe the group a favor if he's let go. He has no token to give them but offers his word. After a few moments of discussion, it's good enough and they let him go.   The party patrols the tradesman district for a few hours when Etheros releases them from their duty and pays them for a half a day's work, which Galegar disputes as they were told they were to work a full day. Etheros raises the pay to 2cp for the half day and lets the group go, saying that some people are gathering at the Senate's chambers to learn what is to become of the city.

Rewards Granted

2cp each for patrolling the Tradesman district.

Character(s) interacted with

  • The group let go the thugs who robbed a storefront in the warrens. The owner was no good, so they let them be.
  • Galegar attempted to allow the slave Dote to work with them, but was rebuffed by Etheros.
  • Etheros, a tradesman who dislikes ex-slaves hired the group to patrol the Tradesman district
  • Created Content

  • Dote, ex-slave the group helped
  • Etheros, a tradesman who hired the group.
  • Campaign
    Dark Days of Tyr


    Level 3 Thri-Kreen Chaotic Neutral Rogue (Scout)
    / 21 HP

    Bertrand Robillard

    Level 3 Half-Giant Neutral GOOD Fighter 2 / Barbarian 1
    / 33 HP
    Report Date
    08 Jul 2019
    Primary Location

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