Episode 1: Freedom and Anarchy Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Episode 1: Freedom and Anarchy Report

General Summary

Dark Days of Tyr: Ep1 Freedom and Anarchy Last night was the first session of the Dark Days of Tyr campaign I'm running for my Patrons. This game is in honor of Walter M. Baas, who recently passed and is the creator of the City-State of Tyr book which we'll be using extensively for this campaign. I'm interested in making this a more "West Marches" style campaign and have interest from a couple others to join. If I can get another 2-3 players I'll start a second group.   Characters:   Zik'Tik - Thri-Kreen Barbarian, Outlander Nak - Half-Elf Rogue, Guild Merchant/Ex-slave Vera - Human Bard (Poisonmaster), Criminal Pyrrhus - Half-Giant Fighter, Ex-Soldier of Balic Kaeor - Mul Fighter/Cleric (Earth), Ex-gladiator Devayne - Genasi Mystic, Anthropologist Ep1 Freedom and Anarchy 190624 The characters discuss their whereabouts when Kalak was killed. All were in the arena, or below it. King Kalak is dead and the new king, Tithian has freed all of the slaves. Nak is told he is free by his "Pappa", a kindly overseer that he worked with for House Vordon.   Zik'Tik is with Devayne at his father's estate outside of Tyr. Devayne's father, Templar Garreth receives a message from a templar rider. Tithian has freed the slaves. Devayne and Templar Garreth discuss the ramifications and Garreth leaves his son to free the house slaves and the gladiators while he returns to the chaos of Tyr. He orders Devayne to stay at the estate.   Devayne free's the slaves, one of which is Kaeor. Devayne asks Kaeor to go with them back into Tyr. He offers payment and gives money to many of the now free slaves from his father's coffers. Meanwhile Vera meets with the the now freed Nak. They decide to see if they can use the chaos in the city to rob some nobles. However, they're not able to get directly into the nobles district. When they try to get in via the Merchant's District they're spotted by guards and flee. They head to Caravan Way to find the Galloping Crodlu and get a drink.   Pyrrhus runs into his old friend Kaeor on Caravan Way. After a short discussion they see a group of former slaves turned thugs that are breaking into a nearby leathershop. Devayne uses The Way to prevent some of the thugs from entering. The two groups begin to battle. Vera and Nak see this and Nak recognizes Kaeor. Vera quickly joins the battle, thirsty for blood. The battle is over quickly and the thug leader is left alive. He is an ex-slave looking to take out past inequities on the people of Tyr.   The group talks to the leathershop owner and claim a reward. They then leave to the Galloping Crodlu. There Pyrrhus pushes past the dwarf doorman and they discuss the goings on of the city. In the discussion Devayne tells the party that he knows Tithan. Several years ago they went to school together at the School of Thought, but Tithian quit to become a Templar. Devayne recognized that with Kalak dead the Templars likely had no magic. Pyrrhus suggested they talk to the Templars to see if they need help controlling the city. After a meal and a drink they left the Galloping Crodlu to head toward the Golden City.   In a strange turn of events an Athasian party seems to be interested in helping the Templars keep control of a city. We'll see what happens, next time!

Dark Days of Tyr
Report Date
24 Jun 2019

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