Vallance Campaign

A Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game In the world of The Grand Duchy of Oberlan
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Supporting Cast
  • Aldron Folbere
    Merchant competitor with Hargova
  • Alton
    Seargeant-at-arms on the Valinor Estate
  • Angrew
    An expert blacksmith that works on the Isle of Forges. He has a Dwarven assistant called Cragnar Thunderhand. He will not break the law and was offended when Grimli aked him to. He is honest, lawful and irritable.
  • Atya
    The wife of Muulsh the moneylender. A trophy wife, highly strung and controlling. Wears a large gem around her gem. High Priestess of Tyaa. Can change into a winged beast.
  • Bashara
    Roams the street of the gods, acting as a church extortioner. He is an easterner that wears a turban and is followed by bodyguards. Bergo the beggar gave us the original information about him.
  • Beren Awaman
    In Elvish his name means "lost soul". His eyes bleed and he has two swords, one light and one dark. He is rumoured to be an immortal.
  • Bergo "The Beggar"
    He begs outside the Temple of Cuthbert. Currently he has disappeared although he was a good source of information before.
  • Blawgi
    A large black man who works as a bouncer at the Silver Dragon Inn. He never speaks.
  • Braggi
    We believe him to be the owner/landlord of the Silver Dragon. He works as a barman of the Silver Dragon. He is a goos source of info and fawns with the upper classes. He is loyal, good-natural and eager to please.
  • Bretan
    Very strong mercenary with a warhammer. Will work for us. Has a dream to become a great gladiator.
  • Cadoman
    In good league with the House of Pleaders. Works for Hargova and wants to sue us.
  • Captain Quint
    Owner of the Hanged Man Tavern. Used to be a sailor. Has said if we are ever in need of a ship's captain, he can help us out (Because we gifted him a crate of Kleshite Rum)
  • Captain Seif
    He is the captain of the City Guard and works on the main gate. He is pompous, lawful, powerful and influential. He dislikes Grimli and Dwob. He is a cock.
  • Catspaw
    A minstel that plays the lute. She is an associate of Lassandra the storyteller. She has been known to play at the Silver Dragon. Is writing a song in our honour.
  • Clarice Danius
    14 daughter of Duke Danius and she is due to marry Lord Ranarsh. Her blood was taken by Golan Irontooth.
  • Count Essen Valinor
    Used to be a hunter. The head of the Valinor family, and the Valinor estate. A financial advisor to the Archduke.
  • Countess Cronia "of the seventy-seven pockets"
    She lives in the estate district in the South Side of North Vallance. She is rumoured to be mad. She is a kleptomaniac, often going on stealing sprees during which her guards follow her and repay any victims of her crimes. She is related to the Archduke.
  • Cragnar Thunderhand
    He is the assistane of Angrew the Blacksmith, on the Isle of Forges. He is also a temple guard at the Temple of Moradin.
  • Duke Danius
    - Quite mad and always surrounds himself with guards. - He believes death will come for him. - Discovered through Garrond. - Has his house covered in symbols. - The daughter is due to marry Lord Ranarsh