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Session I: New Beginnings Report

General Summary

The party wakes up in a field with the simple instructions to follow that path. They walk into a town and meet a woman that gives them horses so that they may travel faster.  The woman tells them that there is a city to the north that they should go to. They go to the city and have to fight off a group of fallen, which they do successfully. They then meet the Vanguard which are Appolo-7, The Sunbreaker, Thor, The Stormcaller, and Michael, The Nightstalker. There was some wall punching shenanigan's. They were given the quest to go to The Facility and find out was going on. The found prototype weapons and mech suits as well as a stupid amount of explosives materials. They were attacked by ??? and managed to scare him off. After The Facility they went back to The Last City and were paid for their help. They were also informed that they would get more jobs and help later.

What the Hell Happened Here
Report Date
12 Feb 2022

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