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The Hills Are Alive... With The Sound Of... Kobolds....

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of SparrowHawk
12/27/2020 | Full


  • SparrowHawk
Supporting Cast

Scheduled Sessions

Sun 21st August 2022 14:00

Session 30 - Ph'nglui mglw'nafh YnDrasGln TorSilf wgah'nagl fhtagn!

YnDrasGln in the creepy extraplanar flesh! The final battle!

Sun 24th July 2022 14:00

Session 29 - Penultimate Ultimateness, plus Dragons!

Can our heroes fend off the demonic horde threatening their new Kobold allies? Will the small, lizardish warriors be able to help them find the fifth temple, fight their way to its gates and win the day?

Sun 10th July 2022 14:00

Session 28 - Living Hills Redux

Sun 12th June 2022 14:00

Session 27 - Lazy Sunday Afternoon at the Trippy Psychedelic Temple

Having survived a magical beatdown, avaricious giant lobsters, and the mightiest of deluges, our intrepid adventurers attempt to make sense of what lies hidden at the bottom of the now-flooded temple complex, and how it might help them stop the evil cultists from bringing about demon-a-geddon...

Sun 15th May 2022 14:00

Session 26 - Drowned Rats Save No Worlds

Sun 1st May 2022 14:00

Session 25 - Old Friends and Dubious Intentions

The party finally reconnects with Cap'n Dune and Mugodim, who have a 'business proposition' for them...

Sun 17th April 2022 12:00

Session 24 - The Beginning of the Endgame Beginneth

Sun 27th February 2022 14:00

Sessions 22 - Betrayed and Beset

Caught with their proverbial pants around their ankles by the betrayal of Az'urel's contact in the Kingdom of IlnCrasi, the party must fight their way free of the trap and try to turn their betrayer against her own...

Sun 6th February 2022 14:00

Session 21 - Silvered Spires and Silver Tongues

The IlnCrasi capital city of OrlNadr is like something out of a Tolkien fever dream, silver towers stretching almost literally into the clouds and crowded streets filled with piercing Elfin eyes. What would the cultists want or need in such a place?

Sun 23rd January 2022 14:00

Session 20 - Civilization!

Act 2, Chapter 1 - Our intrepid adventurers have left the last of the four abandoned temples behind them, and begin their long trek south along The River towards the sprawling port city of Corsical. Bent on warning the targets of the great cultish conspiracy of the impending threat, they mean to make their way by sea to the Grey Elvish kingdom of Iln'Crasi. But what is the nature of the threat? Why do the cultists have two lists on noteworthies who are of such interest to them?

Sun 28th November 2021 14:00

Session 19 - Is it a TPK if only Kaylan survives?

The Arcanaloth wants the Frozen Throne, and the party is almost sure that would be a bad thing. But then, not dying at its hands it going to be awfully difficult. Decisions, decisions...

Sun 14th November 2021 14:00

Session 18 - Stop-Motion Dungeon-Delving

What the ^%$# is going on here?

Sun 3rd October 2021 14:00

Session 17 - Dead Things?! Why did it have to be Dead Things?!

As our heroes delve deeper underneath Salatru, death comes creeping ever closer. And flying ever closer. And rushing headlong ever closer...

Sun 19th September 2021 14:00

Session 16 - Off to the big city, or in that direction anyway

The party, fresh from surviving the ambush of their wereboar (former) friends, head off back towards the river with an eye towards traveling to Corsical. Conveniently, the last ruin at Salatru is along the way...

Sun 8th August 2021 14:00

Session 15 - Answers, Gifts, Old Friends

The Myrmidon have been defeated - except maybe for their helmets?

Sun 11th July 2021 14:00

Session 14 - Two down, two to go, that makes three?

Sun 27th June 2021 14:00

Session 13 - Can the Party's Luck GET Worse?

After a fierce battle, and In possession of what they hope is one of the Hearts of the temple's Guardians, our battered and burnt party retreats back to the Entrance Hall of the ruin to heal, rest, and regroup. They really, really hope the Salamander doesn't say 'oh, good, you got the EASY one...'

Sun 13th June 2021 14:00

Session 12 - Hearts Afire

Sun 6th June 2021 17:00

Session 11 - New Friends, Ancient Walls and Fiery Deaths

Having saved the Evil Knife from the Maybe-Goblin-Maybe-Demon Evil Knife-nappers, the party recovers and continues towards their next destination, the mysterious ruins at Corster.

Sun 16th May 2021 14:00

Session 10 - Ambush in the Sticks!

While trying to secure passage downriver, the party awakens to find the sleepy town of Bend rocked by fires, magic, and worse...

Sun 2nd May 2021 14:00

Session 9 - A Brief Interlude, also Goblins!

Rest, recuperation and a discussion of the final mysteries at Deflim give way to a conversation about where to go next.

Sun 18th April 2021 14:00

Session 8 - Finally some Hoover (Dam) answers!

The second invisible stalker vanquished, the party (specifically the overly-brave priest) is beset by a demonic monster looking to eviscerate them. Knowing the DM far too well to assume it is the solo threat it appears, they rush into combat while trying to keep their eye on their backs...

Sat 10th April 2021 14:00

Session 7 - Mysteries wrapped in enigmas inside of riddles, plus evil invisible things

The party tries desperately to catch its breath and figure out how to continue its explorations without accidentally killing one another.

Sun 21st March 2021 14:00

Session 6 - Once more into the (new) breach!

Having slain the kobolds camped atop Deflim Ruins, and dabbling briefly in the mysteries to be found on the surface, our heroes bravely traipse into the dark and dank recesses beneath the ground looking for treasure, answers, and adventure!

Sun 7th March 2021 14:00

Session 5 - Aren't you a little short to be a goblin? Redux

After leaving Bend flush with supplies and new axe, the party retraces their steps and takes the road less-travelled towards the Deflim Ruins. What mysteries and monstrosities await them there?

Sun 21st February 2021 14:00

Session 4 - To market!

Finally putting the muddy horror of Chalndler behind them, our heroes continue towards the Deflim ruins, oops we mean Bend. Surely it could never be as deadly or frustrating a place...

Sun 7th February 2021 14:00

Session 3 - Goblins and dungeons aplenty

Sun 24th January 2021 14:00

Session 2 - Into the Ruins!

Tired, depleted and fearing for the life of the last kidnapped child, our heroes brave the Chalndler Ruins in attempt to find, and save, her.

Sun 10th January 2021 14:00

Session 1 - Through the forest!

Having survived the goblin ambush, our heroes trudge on towards the ruins of Chalndler...

Sun 27th December 2020 14:00

Session 0.5 - Character creation and intro to first adventure

Yes, there will be actual role-playing before the end of the day. I promise. Look I can edit.

Sun 20th December 2020 13:00

Session -0.5 - The one that never happened

Don't worry, you didn't miss anything.

Sessions Archive

20th Mar 2022

Session 23 - The Third-Longest Combat Scene Ever Finally Ends

Finally seeing light at the end of the demon-filled, betrayal-laden nightmare inside the library-which-isn't-really, the party tries to claw their way past their captors and into the light...

Read the Report
An intrepid party of adventurers is hired to save a village’s children from a fate worse than death, and the search leads them to ruins containing dark secrets, dangerous monsters and treasure beyond imagining…

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Kaylan Marfander

Neutral High Elf (Archaeologist)
Warlock 4
29 / 29 HP


Bob TheBard

5 / 5 HP