Session 3: The Hunt Begins

General Summary

The year 3311 (AtF). Session time between 28th of Lathian and 1st of Agrathor

28th of Lathian, Traveling to Bret

Traveling towards Bret, the group finally chose to meet the mysterious riders that they had been avoiding for multiple days and nights. They learned that the group are known as “Ashen Cloaks” and are the guardians of the Whisper wall, C0R-TX hid his real appearance and disguised himself as a human male.  
After the encounter they went on towards Bret. Here they found a cozy little tavern with little-to-no gossip, anyhow the party began their hunt for the White Wolf. Briefly talking with the local hunter Vira (a tabaxi woman) about the prospect of the hunt. Vira, at least indirectly, indicated how hunters look upon those who hunt in groups, and that it is much less impressive. The party chose to stay the night and go for the hunt the next morning.
In the dark of night C0R-TX, the ever awoken, heard commotion outside, where he found a group of mercenaries targeting and fighting a hedge knight. C0R-TX chose to cast “Sleep” on the group, causing the two mercenaries to fall over. He then turned around, closed the shutters and heard the clear cuts, as the hedge knight most likely executed the two mercenaries.

29th of Lathian, The White Wolf

The group takes off in the morning, heading into the Horace woods. They spent most of the first half of the day tracking through the woods. Upon entering a muddy run of water, they hear a harrowing howl. Turning to see an enormous white wolf, accompanied by three smaller grey wolves.  
Fighting ensues where Suri grows to be almost twenty feet. The wolves put up a strong fight and cause much hurt and terror to the group until Gandant, who had hid in a tree most of the fight jumps down, deals the final blow to the white wolf. It was noted that the blood of the white wolf was a teal blue colour.
After some talking and wound licking, the group splits, some to go back to Bret, gather the last of their things and get the night's rest there. Whilst the others went to Havionhall, the capital of the Havion Region to get the reward for their kill.
  Group Bret; Gandant, C0R-TX and Evelyn.
Group Wolf; Althaea, Mustafa and Suri.
  After arriving at Havionhall very late at night, Group Wolf decided to pay an order for the making of a wolf hide set of armor for Althaea, as well as the excavation of every bone in the wolf’s body.

30th of Lathian, Havion Lockdown

The 30th was spent mostly on traveling to Horace Pier and awaiting the arrival of a passenger ship to Oea. Immediately after boarding the ship, the entire Hvaion region entered a lockdown, as news of Lord Havion’s death was publicised.
However, once upon the ship, they sailed for about 8-10 hours, until they arrived at Oea. In the night the waves were roaring (at least according to the land-bound members of the group). Mr. Thorngage’s stomach did not appreciate this.

1st of Agrathor, First Day in Oea

Almost immediately after arriving, the party split into three groups.
Group Corsair; Mustafa and Evelyn
Group Scribe; C0R-TX and Gandant
Group Girlpower;
Althaea and Suri

Happenings of the Corsairs

The Corsairs headed for Fendrick’s Wharf where they attempted to buy a boat. This however failed miserably, when they were told that the sailing boat they needed for their plans of going to The Serpents Nest, ended up having the price of 10.000 GP, and their budget consisted of about 100 GP.
After this they headed back on the Conqueror’s road, where Mustafa remembered seeing a note on the curb that said; “If you’re in for some not so honest work. Come ask for The Henchmen at the Dungsweep Guild”. So they headed towards the Dungsweep Guild and asked a nice old lady for “The Henchmen”, this quickly backfired when they were dropped down into the sewers to defeat a crocodile. They did this and returned back up and cleaned themselves up. They got the prize of 25 GP each and went on their merry way.
Lastly they headed for The Conqueror’s Market, where Evelyn sold her waterproof chest for 6 GP and together they bought some navigator’s tools. After this they headed to The Stowaway Inn, where they as well as many other sailors, partied and told sailing stories and legends to one another.
The night ended up with them finishing their night at The Kindred Pub, and they returned to The Drunken Tankard, where Suri and Althea had gotten them rooms.   What they saw when the attack occurred:
On the way to their room the group heard explosions and cannons being fired at the city. They looked at each other with confusion and fright, until Evelyn heard a familiar heart-wrenching laugh. She could recognize that laugh anywhere, she looked at Mustafa with more fear in her eyes, and tears started to form. She was clearly filled with sadness and rage.

Happenings of the Scribes

Group Scribe went into Candlekeep, each providing a piece of information. C0R-TX told of the colours of the meteorshower that he observed the night between the 29th and 30th of Lathian. He also provided the blood of the white wolf, which was imbued with primeval magic.
Within candlekeep they both were guided around the giant library, and C0R-TX was offered a partnership in exchange for keeping some knowledge secret. He chose to think about it.   What they saw when the attack occurred:
The group slept and was awoken by the explosion in the room next door, they heard the abrupt start and end of the screams in there. They saw a cannonball “hit” Candlekeep and got bounced off by some sort of barrier.

Happenings of the Girls

Following Group Scribe towards Candlekeep, passing by Teller’s Magical the duo was barred entrance from the Library, due to not presenting information of a fitting nature. Dejected, for a lack of better words, the pair strolled down King’s Walk with clear intent of exploring the establishment “Beauty’s Salon”.
Passing by a branch of the brothel chain known as the Fey Portal, they entered and met the eponymous Beauty. A lady in her evening years, commanding an imposing presence, the duo found themselves taken aback, flabbergasted and at their collective wits’ end. Here, they learned that almost any cosmetic effect, both in body or aura, would be possible for a fee. Notably, Beauty also seemed to react to the mention of the name Baqara, though it seemed to be a misunderstanding.
Flushed and reinvigorated, Althea & Suri went on to procure residence for the members of the group not housed in Candlekeep. By sussing out an open secret, rooms were procured in The Drunken Tankard, which housed an “illegal fighting pit”, whatever that meant. Through a stellar perfomance in the ring, Suri, now dubbed the One Punch Woman, acquired two rooms, and apparently a manager in Althea.
To finish off the night, the gals located Team Corsair, downed a few swigs, and upon noticing familiar faces from Anchorage, followed the Tommund Stronghide & Nicholas Shepard, whose names I’m was originally too lazy to get my notes to remember, brought the entire gang for what was likely the worst stakeout in the history of Oea. Following the blisteringly unobservant chumps into the graveyard, the party observed the latter half of the handoff of contraband from Anchorage, possibly to the group known as the Lords of Thanatos. They then weren’t spotted (HOW?), and returned to their now living quarters, becoming the goers to bed.   What they saw when the attack occurred:
After the initial impact, Suri looked out of the window, seeing fire and flames. Rushing out to provide assistance, perhaps thinking of finding a way to launch herself towards the Armada, she saw the ships disappear just as quickly as they had appeared.

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