Chapter 5: Verse 2: Well I wish I had a personal pocket dimension... Report

General Summary

After the looting of the pocket dimension of the void demon, the remaining power of the creature went into Bumble thus expanding his ability from the demon. Bumble now has the ability to open a pocket dimension of his own to store and access things. The bunch was very excited for Bumble but the energy did not just have an effect on him but also on Ignia. The Living Flame artifact that she carried transformed into an awakening catalyst that activated her innate magical abilities that came from a dragon heritage. She gained a level of sorcerer and access to much more of her magical ability that was dormant inside of her. Her body also changed as dragon scales started to appear on her exposed skin and granting her a more stronger resistance to being injured. She also pulled a magical staff from the dimension plane before it collapsed which also gives her more access to her druidic nature.   A huge boost for the Bunch as they begin to uncover more strange activity in Tal'dorei that is linked to the Cult.   The ShipFaced continued its travel to Stilben and in the nighttime travel saw a shooting star crash into the land not too far away. Not wanting to veer off course with the time sensitivity of meeting up with Falan - The group split up and Bumble, Alexander and Roran took flight towards the star while Blovik, Ignia, Scilla, and Aleph continued forward to Stilben.    At the crash site, the squad found a jagged orb shape which held some strange items once they broke it up. 

  • A strange looking throne/chair
  • Two sealed up crates
  • A strange blue crystal
  • Scattered about was about 10,000gp worth of diamonds.
The squad took and put all of this away and then started to head back before the giants they heard coming found them.    Meanwhile, back at the ShipFaced - The crew began their approach into the dock of Stilben and actually cut off another sailing vessel from a spot that said vessel was starting to sail into to dock. First Mate Blovik claimed 'it was open'. The crew started to make preparations to sell the Dive and set out a sign to sell said ship in front of it on the docks.  Without much knowledge on what to sell the ship for, the group came by an appraiser who toured the ship and gave them a rather strange and low price while also charging a crazy amount for said appraisal work. It turns out it was a scam as Blovik found out by following this appraiser while being invisible. Blovik tried to take out this scam artist with his dagger but missed his chance as the scammer turned around just in time and dodged out of the way. Horrified, the scammer pleaded for his life and Blovik told him to give back the gold they gave him which he did. Blovik left the scammer to himself and walked back to the Dive and crew to let them know what happened.   After a while, a individual approached the crew and told them that their boss is interested in a ship just like this and would be interesting in discussing the details at the tavern called "The Weighed Anchor" in town later that evening. The crew nodded in approval as they would all attend and discuss it with this said boss. The star squad returned to the ShipFaced and informed the group of what they saw at the star landing as well as the crew told the squad about the scammer and the meeting with a potenital buyer. With the crew needing to be quick about things so they can meet up with Falan - They took towards the tavern as night fell, hoping they can do this quickly.

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