Exandrian Interlude #3 - A Respite in Whitestone Report

General Summary

During the party's stay at Whitestone and regrouping from their adventure to the Restricted Archives of the Cobalt Soul. They took some of their downtime to begin looking into personal matters or preparation for their next adventure.  

  • With the help of Percy and Arcanist Allura, Bumble was able to make the missing pages of the found texts in the Archives reappear for a short time and as well as have them written down by a seasoned scribe so that the information can be studied. DM to give handout for uncovered information
  • Bumble sought out a few magical items that would help his abilities while dealing with unforeseen circumstances. Bumble went shopping for 2 workweeks and spent 200gp on increasing his odds, giving a +4 to roll. With the help of one of his party members, he was able to secure a 21 on the roll. Bumble purchased Monk Wraps +1, Ring of Free Action, and a Ring of Feather Falling.
  • Wanting to craft a blade from the stars and apart of his family's heritage, Aleph has sought to craft a Starsaber. With the knowledge of the magical blueprints, he is seeking the Tears of a Unicorn and a Vampire's Fang. It will take him quite a bit of time to finish creating this magical blade of the stars. DM to organize the encounters for retrieving the Unicorn's Tears and Vampire Fang for next session.
  • Using her Robe of Useful Things, Ignia has begun to tear off and activate some of the patches that she'd wish to sell or begin to use.
  • Using the robe - Ignia has created two Mastiffs that are already basic trained and grown to follow her commands. She has also used the 10-foot poles to create a small makeshift workout area in her stateroom aboard the ShipFaced. She also took the two tall steel mirrors and set them up in her room in such a way that she will be seeing into infinity upon looking into the mirrors.
  • Ignia has also set to read her checked-out book on Resurrections. DM to give handout at next session.
  • Ignia has also set out to go magic item shopping in Whitestone and came across Gilmore's Glorious Goods as well, there she found what she was looking for which was a magically strengthened shield. Ignia's shopping rolls were 1 workweek + 300 gp spent = +4 bonus. Rolled at 16. Ignia bought a Shield +1 for 400 gp. She passed on the other item.
  • Blovik has spent his first few days reading his book on How to Understand the Planes before it gets teleported back to the Archives.
  • Blovik begins to research and find the recipes needed to use the Hag Eyes he harvested.
  • Blovik gets the recipe for Potion of Grant Invisibility and Potion of Spell Slot Restore
  • Blovik successfully brews the Potion of Grant Invisibility with no flaws with the help of Aleph!
  • Blovik successfully brews the Potion of Spell Slot Restore but it has a flaw. The potion is too unstable and therefore it is unknown whether the potion will restore a 1st level slot or if it will restore a great slot. It is unknown if the potion will take away a spell slot or even mess with other arcane abilities. The potion has become a Potion of Unstable Spell Restore. It's unclear what it will do but it will do something!
  • Alexander seeks out a blacksmith to help create a Smoker upon the ShipFaced.
  • Alexander found a blacksmith willing to do the job for 438 gold. He went to get the necessary funding and was successful. He came back to said blacksmith and was told that the nature of the job aboard an airship would cost an additional 500gp for insurance purposes. Alexander succeeded in detecting some untruth in his explanation. 
  • Alexander upon investigation more into this situation found some poorly treated workers for this blacksmith and convinced them to come do the job as freelance instead of the blacksmith and agree to pay them each 25gp a day. Thus totally the men's wages and work time to come to 300gp for the smoker and necessary additions for safety.
  • The blacksmith was now put out of a work force and could possibly be out of business in future days.
  • DM approved improvements to ship, this could allow for some proper cooking to be done and beneficial foods to be crafted for small buffs or temporary boosts. 

Created Content

New Potion Recipes!

  • Potion of Grant Invisibility
  • Potion of Spell Slot Restore

Next Week
  1. Hunting a Vampire
  2. Searching for a Unicorn
  3. Lore uncovered as the plot thickens!
The Cries of Nature Echo
Report Date
08 Nov 2022
Primary Location

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