Exandrian Interlude #3 - Part Two Report

General Summary

Vampire Fang Heist
The party received word that there was a vampire that was causing problems at a distant graveyard and feeding on unprotected travelers in that region. The guard was lacking the strength to deal with it so they have been diverting travel from that area in hopes to make the vampire retreat from the area or starve. But the vampire found other ways to continue to live on and needed to be eliminated. The party in need of a vampire fang, took on the job to at least look into it. Blovik Griblesnit and Ignia came up with a ploy to try and trick the vampire with a rouse of being traveling dentists providing free dental care. The pair took to the streets of Whitestone to find a dentist in which they could receive some instruction and lab coats to use for their plan, they met Dr. Booker who was a bit eccentric and spaced out often with his ideas and   The party arrived at the graveyard during the day and began to look into the surroundings and see if they can find the vampire's nest. While searching the graveyard, the party came across emergency caches for fighting undead that included magic holy weapons, holy water, resurrection diamonds, and other items. After the events with the Briarwoods in Whitestone years ago, Lord Percy De Rolo took precautions in the form of these caches to help future Whitestone to protect itself in case an undead threat or unholy power tried to rise again in Whitestone. Some of these caches were picked up by the party members to use for their current situation against a vampire and the cult.   After investigating, Alexander also took to marking the crypt at the graveyard with all the holy symbols of the Prime Deities. Hoping it would call out the vampire or to consecrate the land of which a vampire may have stepped on. To an extent, he was successful but it also made the vampire when he awoke angry because his home was vandalized after the party returned to the ship.   While the party was sleeping, some strange bat creatures came to the ship from the graveyard and started to scout around it in a circular flight pattern. The nightwatch saw them and decided to not anger them and just let them fly by but Aleph had other plans and fired a Scorching Ray spell at them. This lead to a very deadly battle that Aleph was caught in the middle of. Alexander and Bumble hesitated getting involved as they did not want to be killed by this very angry full-fledged vampire and his two kobold vampirelings. Blovik and Ignia started to try and put their plan into action with pulling the vampire fang from his mouth but took precision timing and very improved tactical planning. The vampire was able to be subdued enough with the aid of an item found at the graveyard and with some relentless force and determination. But the real achievement was Ignia and Blovik Griblesnit who completed their plan. Ignia took the attention of the vampire while Blovik snuck up under the effects of an Invisibility spell and got into the proper position to lunge a precision attack to yang out the vampire fang that Aleph so desperately wanted, which led to Ignia being completely covered in vampire blood.   The kobold vampirlings were also killed and their bone dust was harvested by Ignia so she can do her ritual for fixing her reincarnation. Ignia is now back to being a full kobold again and is no longer a gnome. After fixing some damage to the ship done by some fire spells and other mystical spells, the ShipFaced and her crew went back to Whitestone.

Rewards Granted

Vampire Fang Bone Dust of a Kobold

Missions/Quests Completed

Ignia's Resurrection Fix

The Cries of Nature Echo
Report Date
29 Nov 2022

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