Lions, Tigers, and Bears Report

General Summary

The Scions successfully repelled an assault on Fort Faustus by a group of seemingly possessed owlbears, basilisks, and manticores.  They also "accidentally" destroyed about a third of the fort in the melee.     The Scions tell Captain Bloodrock that maybe he should rebuild the fort outside the city.  He tells the party building the fort outside the city would be suicide.  He points to the elven tower in the distance, and says that the tower, called the Tower of Lia, is what generated a magical energy field which guards the city.     If monsters are getting through the tower is most likely damaged.  Nobody is quite sure how it works - it was nearly destroyed when the city was seized by the Empire, and whoever knew how to fix the energy crystals that power the magical field is long gone.  However, the Arch Magus can surely figure it out...

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