The Battle of Monterra Report

General Summary

After announcing his governorship and rallying the people of Monterra, the party decided that the best course of action to defend the city from the marauding Black Brigade was to raise an army.  Two imperial officers, Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus, pledge themselves to the party's cause and managed to keep two cohorts of infantry from defecting.  They also tell the party that they have about a week to prepare before the Black Brigade assaults the city.   Before the battle the party parleys with Knight-Commander Gallus, who offers to leave the city alone if they give up Claudius.  The party debates internally, but ultimately decides to stand and fight instead of give Claudius to the Black Brigade.  In the ensuing battle the city walls are almost destroyed, but Rayuuv and Wanda's archers manage to take out the artillery before they can finish demolishing the walls, and Billy Bob's highly inspired band of peasants manages to crush the left flank of the Black Brigade's line.  As the enemy infantry begins to reposition so they can breach the walls, Mork and his legion bravely sally forth and crush one of the maneuvering infantry units, breaking their morale and causing a general retreat.  The city is saved!   Sensing momentum is on their side, the party pursues the retreating army to their fortified camp to end Gallus's threat once and for all.  After a pitched battle Gallus is defeated.  At the urging of Magda, the priestess of Erathis who has joined the party, Mork and Anton agree to take Gallus prisoner instead of executing him for his crimes.  From interrogating Gallus, they discover the Black Brigade has joined forces with the Brotherhood of Burnination.   While searching the camp, the party comes across a familiar looking wand.  Anton recognizes it as the Staff of Shifting Worlds, which they had taken from The Cheat at the beginning of their adventures.  While playing with the staff Anton accidentally opens up a rift in spacetime, which sucks the party in.

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