Return to Haversmeet pt. 4 Report

General Summary

After rescuing the Twin Fangs students from the undead plaguing them the Scions are ambushed by what appears to be a squad of Imperial legionaries.  However, upon closer inspection it turns out they are actually ghouls; twisted, corrupted versions of the legion who once patrolled these woods.  The Scions hear a cry for help from across the river - a group of Iron Vortex students have been ambushed by a group of legionaire ghouls and need the Scions' help.   Elomira, who returned to the party after a scouting mission, calls upon nature's wrath to turn the forest itself against the imperial ghouls.  With the forest's help, the Scions easily dispatch the ghouls and rescue both sets of students.   Anton shows off during the fight, giving his weapons to the students and destroying the ghouls with his fists alone.  The raw dispaly of power impresses both sets of students, and when Anton lectures them on the importance of balance to mastering the four elements, the students apologize to one another and agree to put aside their differences.     Unfortunately - Elomira has some bad news.  While she was scouting the Imperial camp Silas was captured.  The Scions head to the camp's location and find that indeed, a full legion of at least 10,000 soldiers has set up camp and seem to be preparing for combat.  How will they infiltrate the camp to rescue Silas?

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