The Eladrin Ruins Report

General Summary

As the Scions approach the Eladrin ruins they hear a scream and cry for help.  While moving to investigate the source of the screaming, the Scions are attacked by hordes of zombies and a group of wights donning Imperial arms and armor.   The Scions manage to dispatch the undead menace before they can devour the survivors trapped in one of the buildings.  The survivors: two Imperial legionares and three of Vincenzo's laborers, describe watching their friends cut down by the undead abominations below, and running from a horrible mass of eyes.  When asked about Vincenzo, they say that he disappeared further into the depths than anyone else and is most likely dead.   Rayuuv and Wanda find themselves drawn to a small portal in what looks like the ruins of an abandoned temple.  The voices in their heads, the ones that have called to them ever since Rayuuv became the Arch Magus, beckons them both.  The two go to inspect the portal and find themselves sucked inside, despite the party's best efforts.   Inside Rayuuv and Wanda find they are in a mithril mine, and surrounded by dulled and abadonded equipment left by Vincenzo's men.  They also hear the voice calling them, lulling them to the east.

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