Syllin's Return Report

General Summary

The Scions return to Monterra and hold council with the Emperor's three children.  Tiberius informs the party that even though they were victorious at Haversmeet, both Senate and Imperial armies suffered severe losses from the Brotherhood's assault.  Tiberius has returned to Korribon to rebuild his legions for an assault on Trogdor, while the Senate's forces have retreated to the capital   Chandrilla informs the party that her spies have detected Sereasian armies on the move at the borders; she's worried they've learned of the fight between the Senate and Imperial forces and may see this as an opportunity to invade.  The Scions agree that protecting their flank from The Immortal Legions is important while Trogdor is still on the loose.  They agree to send General Pullo, along with a contingent of special forces, to support Chandrilla.   Claudius encourages the Scions and his siblings to think about the post-Trogdor order, and what the Empire will look like when he's defeated.  He implores his siblings to think about the good of the realm instead of their own self interests.   The Scions recieive word from Cael and use the teleport gate in the lighthouse to visit his grove.  Cael informs the party that a red haired elf who claims to be Syllin has appeard in Avec, the former elven capital, and is stirring up the lower class and enslaved elves against the Imperial occupiers.  While he supports liberating the city from Imperial oppression, he is worried that something is wrong about someone claiming to be Syllin - she died long ago.  The Scions agree to investigate.   As the Scions approach Avec Rayuuv, Wanda, and Elomira all feel some sort of magical dissonance, like something is off.  On the way to the city they come across an elven farmer who is being harassed by orc and half-orc members of the 13th legion.  They accuse the farmer of providing hiding druids sympathetic to the rebel claiming to be Syllin.  The Scions, drawing on the good will from their victory at Haversmeet, convince the legionnares to leave without a fight, and to leave the elves alone.   It turns out the farmer was hiding druids...specifically, a red-haired elf who claims to be Syllin.  "Syllin" tells the party she has been chased from her home in Cassius, a land far to the north, by an oathbreaker paladin named Daar Silverscales.  She tells the party that he has hunted and murdered her people, forcing her to flee to the mainland and seeking refuge in Avec.  However, when she saw how the elves were being oppressed, she decided to foment rebelling against the Imperials.  Now, she is the most wanted person in the province.  However, she seems to be particularly concerned about the paladin, and requests that the party get rid of him.   Upon entering the city the Scions head to the central island, home of Corellon's Cathedral.  There, they find the silver dragon paladin described by Syllin, but he and his acolytes seem intent on finding a rogue drow.  The locals think he's nuts - a drow hasn't been seen in the city for over 100 years; the Imperials killed them all off when they took over the city.   The Scions visit Corellon's Cathedral to bury the Syllin who was killed during the battle of Monterra.  Unfortunately, the priest in charge of the temple, Father Silvanus, says the vaults are full.  However, he may be able to find space if the Scions are able to get the Imperials out of the city.  The Scions agree to see what they can do, and head to Fort Faustus, on the outskirts of the city, to talk with the legion.   They are greeted by Captian Henk Bloodrock, an orc and former member of the Babadook tribe.  He asks the Scions to help him interrogate some druid captives being held in the dungeon.  The captives babble on about a spider and being caught in her webs...when a runner comes and informs the Captain their fort is surrounded by beastes.  BIG beasts.  Captain Bloodrock asks the Scions for their help defending the fort...

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