The Mithril Mines Report

General Summary

The Scions start to move their way through the mines and are ambushed by several giant spiders, including a giant purple spider that seems to pulse magical energy. After defeating the spiders the Scions find one of their victims, one of Vincenzo's men, cocooned within the webs. Mork frees him, only to find that his bindings were the only thing keeping the vicimin one piece. He tells the party that it was a massacre, undead and angry Eladrin spirits slaughtering the workers.   As the Scions move further west, they come across two spectral Eladrin, who Rayuuv recognizes as an honor guard. They tell the party that they are guarding the tomb of the Spider Slayer, one who defeated the Spider Queen and saved this realm from becoming part of her dark domain. Rayuuv convinces the guardians that the party is there to pay tribute to the Spider Slayer, but the guardians will only allow Eladrin to pass. They also warn the party that another mortal came through in service of the Undead Eye, and that to reach him, the other mortal would have to have passed through The Gauntlet. No mortal has ever survived its trials.   The party is convinced talking to this "Spider Slayer" is probably the best way to go. Rayuuv and Wanda enter the tomb, and in their heads they see a vision of a glowing sword within the tomb. The voices encourage him to open the tomb and take the blade.   Rayuuv opens the tomb, and can feel the divine power coursing through the blade, even if it is in pieces. He recognizes the power - it's from Corellon himself.   However, as soon as Rayuuv touches the blade a specter appears, with the same visage as the Eladrin king carved into the tomb, but with madness in his eyes. He accuses Rayuuv and Wanda of being agents of the Spider Queen and the Undead Eye. Rayuuv, unable to convicne the angry spirit otherwise, causes him to lash out and attack. The battle begins!

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