Burnination and Ruin pt. 2 Report

General Summary

The Scions defeat the Brotherhood's forces, only to find Strong Bad piloting an airship with a massive cannon trained on the Imperial and Senate armies.  Master Bruce, as a gold dragon, takes the Scions up to the airship, but is shot by the ship's massive cannon and crashes to the earth.   Strong Bad isn't initially hostile - he casually invites the Scions to sell their souls to Trogdor, since he can use a few new goons and henchman.  His previous ones keep dying in awful ways.  The Scions also hear the cannons charging - they know they have about 30 seconds before Strong Bad unleashes a fatal barrage on the armies below.   Thinking quickly, the Scions chat up Strong Bad about his gooning offer while Rayuuv prepares a dimension door spell.  Right before the cannon fires, Rayuuv creates a dimension door which sends the cannonball directly through the back of the airship.  The back third of the ship is blown off, causing the ship to tilt upward and begin crash toward the ground.  Most of the Scions manage to scramble to the top of the ship, but Anton and Wanda fall and begin to tumble toward the ground.   While falling, Anton hears Master Bruce's voice, telling him to be at peace.  Anton opens his mind, and several gliders piloted by Yuan's students rescue Anton and Wanda from free fall.  Elomira, in a bout of quick thinking, turns into a quetozquatol and bring the rest of the party safely to the ground.   A cheer rises up from both armies - with the airship destroyed, the Scions have saved the day.  However, they find a smoking crater which contains Master Bruce, back in his human form.  He beckons Anton to take his belt, as the new Grand Master of the Four Elements, any dojo or temple will aid him in his quest and look to him for guidance.  With that, Master Bruce perishes from this plane of existence.   With the Brotherhood defeated, the Scions head back to Monterra, ready to take on the next set of adventures.

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