Haunting of Blackrot Session 17 Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Haunting of Blackrot Session 17

General Summary

Name Class
Abbott Warlock
Clovis Fighter
Henrietta Blood Hunter
Yohgrï Cleric

Perusing East Harrow

Triste’s Reminder

Before the party got too deep into the domain, Triste told them to find “the Twins.” They supposedly have knowledge and expertise that would be beneficial in gunning for the beacons.

Sork’s Plea

A roden, named Sork, sought out the party to help them release roden in an “experiment-thing.” As a first step, he believes that a pair of twins that got taken away would help in the cause. The party would just need to head to the Workshop of Wonders.

Spotting Stellan

While looking around town, the Henrietta noticed Stellan sitting alone on a bench looking up at a statue of Triste depicting her hand reaching out. Abbott casted a Suggestion spell, telling him to walk in a direction away from the group’s path.

City of Lumencroft

Just before entering, the party spotted the Mournival wagon heading into the city. The Directors threatened the guards and got let in. It turned out the “guards” were really just actors after the party looked a little closer. Abbott and Clovis figured they could bully their way through the pretenders, as the actors insisted that the party undergo orientation to ensure they don’t become “unfortunates.”

Reluctant… the party went through orientation. Henrietta was vehement that cooler heads prevailed lest unwanted attention is attracted the party’s way.


Once the doors close shut, the room darkens. A light overhead projects an image of a city overview with the title card, “Welcome to Lumencroft!” It then changes images between beautiful shots of the areas within.

A voice chimes in, “This is Bertram Clarence, proud mayor over Lumencroft. I and City Council welcome you to the chance of a lifetime in the perfect place to be. However, in order to ensure that it’s the place to be, it is imperative that expectations are laid out and you too can know your part.

Expectation 1: A Civil Society is a Happy Society. What allows the city to stay as a site of wonders is how the common citizen treats the other with their manners. Do not be afraid to wave hello or return the gesture. Everyone is always happy to meet with you.

Expectation 2: Problems are for City Council to deal with. I will admit, the pursuit for making the dream city isn’t easy. What to do about the rare circumstances of crime or disruptive citizen has always been a tricky challenge. That is what City Council is for! We are your custodians so we are the ones to resolve any disputes you may have.

Expectation 3: Take part in events! No one wants to be left out of the fun. To just stand idly by is boring and dull anyways! The least we can ask is to coordinate your fashion with any celebrations taking place. That is why to tempt you, we always have something delightful going on, whether it being tastings at a Joyden’s candy shop or fireworks at nightfall. I’m sure we can find something for you!

With these core expectations in mind, I and City Council hope these help as guidelines to enjoy your visit, or better yet, your stay, here in Lumencroft! This has been Mayor Clarence Bertram signing off.”

Once the presentation was over, the party was then brought into a massive wardrobe by attendants to ensure they followed proper dress code. Namely, they just needed blue, white, silver, or other wintery color patterns.

Mayor Bertram speaking for your general announcement!

Sometimes I get letters from commoners asking me about Unfortunates. “Mr. Mayor, why do we place them away from the city?” “Mr. Mayor, why do we do what we do with Unfortunates?” “Mr. Mayor, what even deems someone Unfortunate?”

Well, dear citizen, an Unfortunate is someone who either is under unfortunate circumstances or would bring misfortune, which both prerequisites ruin the pursuit of making Lumencroft the perfect city. After all, those who commit to misdeeds sour someone’s day when something is stolen. Those who are afflicted with maladies create a sense of despair.

What do we do with unfortunates? Well of course, to have a premature end would be barbaric as we are quite well advanced! Instead, should an unfortunate’s circumstance not be remedied, we place them within the Labor District where they may continue to contribute to society yet won’t be a complication to us in the rest of the city.

With this announcement at its end, this is Mayor Clarence Bertram wishing you the best day possible here in Lumencroft!

— Mayor Clarence Bertram

Workshop of Wonders

Into the Workshop, you see contraptions and mechanisms that have odd yet interesting shapes. A cylinder with a tail and a double pair of wings on the sides, a massive oval-shaped balloon hovering in the air, a clockwork humanoid figure waving at guests, and more. Most of these attractions sit behind plaques that describe what they are.

Abbott managed to sneak in, disguising himself as an employee. From there, he snuck the party into the backroom and up into the fourth floor. Still in disguise, Abbott convinced the automaton guards that he intended to feed the prisoners. First Edwin got freed and then Ellen, allowing them to desynchronize from there.

Roden Utopia Experiment

The party met up with the Thomters just outside the Labor District of the city. The Thomters mentioned that Sork’s issue is with Mayor Bertram’s latest cruel experiment, “The Roden Utopia.” Lumencroft is a growing city and Mayor Bertram wants to see the effects of overpopulation to prepare accordingly using roden as the test subjects.

The Thomters plan to utilize their desynchronizing ability to infiltrate the test site first before any plans are made further. They advise to the party to do anything they’d like in the meantime.

The Thomters mentioned that what was odd to them, was a tiefling scientist, which unnerved Henrietta at a possibly…

Back at East Harrow

Outside, Arnsley Dorian and Karnell were seeing about getting the Forester’s mouth fixed. Clovis was sure to tell them off swiftly about it.

Henrietta went to an old friend’s place, Maude Price. Turned out Maude had been trying to figure out a way to get Evander out of the city’s grip. She’s tried heading to City Council but has been stumped that way. She also mentioned that Stellan has been on the quiet side and keeps looking at the reaper statues.

After some brief catching up, Henrietta and Maude said goodnight.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Recruited the Thomter Twins

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