Haunting of Blackrot Session 13 Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Haunting of Blackrot Session 13

General Summary

Our Party

Name Class
Abbott Warlock
Clovis Fighter
Fernando Bard
Henrietta Blood Hunter
Yohgrï Cleric

Mournival Showing

Another showing of the Mournival was announced. Every party member, except Abbott, went to the event.

Once you all take your seats, a brief silence is cut short with the sound of a spotlight. It shines down on a set of unmoving Revered soldiers on the left side facing down the Cult of Maledict in an opposing line on the right. Another set of lights flash on the ends of the stage where a cael and vician stand at opposite sides and point at the other.

You can hear the sage director above, “The war of good and evil continues. Cael masters promise a place up in Haven for mortal service while vician overlords promise prestige and power. Perhaps mortals can never tell they are chained because the links are behind them. How will these bonds ever break?”

The other more critical director speaks up, “There is one man who does see these chains.” The spotlight flicks on to the center, revealing Karnell in the center. “To the Shattered, these fools submit to their servitude and are no better than their masters. Death to both the pawn and king are the only way to find an end.”

The scene of carnage begins with both factions fighting it out. As the last troops begin to dwindle, the vician and cael step into the fighting. By the end, Karnell steps in, finishing off the exhausted divine beings. Karnell then stands triumphant with both arms raised high but the spotlight begins to dim. He then looks down in horror, in grim realization of the aftermath.

The sage director speaks up, “He did find an end but was it worth it? Ashes and dust will be the only thing that remains.”

Behind Karnell comes a sinister inky-black mist that soon takes a humanoid form that walks from behind. The entire theater goes dark as it shrouds around him.

The voice of the critical director pipes up, “In the end, it never mattered.”

The lights of the theater come back on. Only the directors stand on the stage as they bow to the audience, “That is this showing. Come again another time.”

After Show Rambling

The directors pondered what makes a hero, alluding to the party and their purpose.

Critic - ”Do they really qualify as heroes?”

Sage - “Great heroes take on selfless acts to help others, do they not?”

Critic - “There is nothing heroic about it. They are pawns to forces they cannot comprehend.”

Sage - “So is the paladin who saves a village but they are regarded as heroes.”

Critic - “That is because the paladin serves a higher and moral purpose. Their actions are purely selfish in nature.”

Sage - “Is it truly selfish if their actions also aid others? Perhaps it’s the soul of their intent that defines whether if it’s heroic.”

Critic - “There is no selfless intent in them. They are scared animals trying to survive in a hostile environment… End of Discussion…

Party’s Inquiry

Clovis and Yohgrï left to check on Abbott while Fernando and Henrietta stayed to inquire about how the entire premise is set up. They first inquired with an actor, who explained that their masks are how they change into characters. To obtain said mask, however, is to become dedicated to the Mournival. The actor explained that their content is made from the writers which then is provided to the directors.

The two inquired with the two directors who reluctantly showcased one of their writers. Two actors came and wheeled out a massive block of amber where a dark aura is within. This “writer” explained that it is among the Dark Powers that manipulate the domains. Fernando mentioned the One in Yellow Wraps and wondered if he has come to these domains before. He hasn’t. The greatest thing to fear instead is It. That thing drains victims and why new mortals are pulled into the fray. To have it defeated would be the greatest and challenging task.

Regrouped Group

The party all assembled together on what is afoot. Fernando explained that he and Henrietta met up with the “writer” and how he is associated with a figure in yellow who manipulates the domains. Clovis explained that there is the Nameless Host who operates these domains. To pull its attention would mean that death is certain.

The party decides to take on the beacon guardian to the north of the domain. They’ll reach the City of Salvecar first and then see from there.

Setesk’s Return

Revealed to the party is the vician mystic, Setesk, after Clovis had snuck out to get his aid. As a show of goodwill, he provided the party with a free reading… Abbott’s Reading

“I see… a corpse torn apart by an instrument for trees. A wife screams at the thought of butchery for an innocent soul. The child’s soul pointlessly tries to scream to the deafened… but why can’t even I hear her? Oh… something interferes… something… dark… one who also lost an Abigail.”
Clovis’ Reading
“I see a castle in front of a blood moon! Sitting atop a throne is a malicious darklord. He patiently awaits for the one he bargained with to do his part of the agreement.”
Henrietta’s Reading
“I see those whom you are fond of. They reside in a ghastly town that refuses the city. One of your friends is in that city. There, I see a vast group of people clustered there for some odd reason. What soon deafens me are two voices. They beckon to the other but neither cannot hear the other.”
Yohgrï’s Readings

“I see this cael within a fortress surrounded by a vast amount of homes. As for this vician you seek? I detect a fellow mystic! His powers are strong, blinding me to his presence but I can confirm he is within the fortress full of Cultists.”

"I see a monk who was once naïve to the world. When brigands came by, it is a question of who and what shattered him..."

For NPC Followers

For Ezmerelda. There lies a shop beyond this domain. I see your broken hunter living out the last of his days toiling in a land where spirits are chained. To seek his aid is to seek utility from a rusted tool. I am afraid your affiliate has… retired… and has become a broken man.

For Forester. Silent Forester, I foresee your home. The crone you helped claims that hope reaches their decayed domain but those who are deaf to mysticism do not heed her joyous news. All returns to its apathetic routine.


Adventures in the Florenic Worlds
Report Date
12 Jun 2023
Primary Location
Domain of Arvura

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