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The Nightmare Spell

A Homebrew / In Development game In the world of The Realm of the Dreaming
12/10/2023 | Full


  • Antartica
  • The Chained Islands
    Islands, floating in the sky with no explaination as to how they are staying afloat, both the sky above and below is increadibly treacharous, due to the endless chasm below having had no one escape from it, and those who end up on an island rising into the sky will experience 'the Crushing' as if the weight of the world crushed down on the whole island, the force applied depending of the height reached of the raising island, nothing on the lsland is safe from the crushing.
  • The NQSC
  • The Catacombs
  • The World of the Waking
Supporting Cast
  • Graphic Assult Afflect Bradon
    Gaunt, deathly looking teen with a hoarse voice with a constant look of pain in his eyes. he hates what he is and what he has become but has an innate desire to survive to prove the world wrong.
  • Loyal Claws Damian Blaker
    Giant, Beastial, Poorly tempered man almost willingly bound to Blazing flames
  • Blazing Flame Jasmine Fergus
    Arrogant lord of the Dark Castle, willing to take David for granted to throw him away to take the Inheritance of the Immortal Flame Clan
  • Tessai Dahl
    Hostile, cold and perceptive, yet surprisingly honest

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Raven Song


Morrigan Ravenspeare


Ervny Zelez

Stone Saint


David Of the Immortal Flame

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