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Cock'd a Real Play DnD Podcast

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Manassas
7/13/2022 | Full
Supporting Cast
  • Finley Fiddlestump III
    An enthusiastic halfling who runs Finley's Fresh Catch in the town of Port Savorsa.
  • Kormyr Silverleaf
    Tall Half-Elf woman who was trying to solve and stop the rat transformations in the Sewers of Port Savorsa. Wife of Sanreet Silverleaf and lover of all animals, not too fond of the people of Port Savorsa.
  • SPA Head Quincy Haddock
    Wide, large halfling who is bald and wears a fake Red Beard. Quincy believes the beard makes people fear him but gets annoyed when people assume Quincy is a Dwarf. Quincy is the Head of the Savorsan Port Authority or the SPA

This story is told by

The Protagonists
