Session 59: Searching the Hamlet Report

General Summary

The group gets some breakfast in the inn. There are no suspicious new faces around. Father tossil takes Amon and Salapane into the crypt of the church. There are 2 stones that can be pressed on the right. Both need to be pushed until you hear a click (up to the 2nd knuckle) it will disable some of the traps down there. Amon notes that the entire hamlet is a view in the eyes of darkness because of this dark stuff secured underneath the church.   The group reunites in the Inn, and finish eating breakfast. They prepare to go to the hamlet where strange voices are heard.   Arriving closer to the hamlet, the hamlet is void of living things. Alfie scouts ahead, there's no snow inside the hamlet, a strange stone is showing with a blue tint in the center with a bit of burn spots around it. The hamlet is close to the border of Grimmaz's land, and is on the brink of becoming an actual village with some new buildings on the ground. In the middle of the hamlet a stone is lying on the ground that has a tail behind it from scraping the ground.   The party decides to search the houses. They see a strange blue glowing thing in one of the houses. It appears to be a humanoid massive figure that doesn't look friendly at all.   There are claw marks and smashes/damaged stuff around which doesn't seem to be done by this seemingly sleeping creature. Looking at the evil creature the group decides to burn it with fire. After hitting the creature, the creature awakes and gets up from the ground.   The creature is well over 7 foot long. After a long battle the group kills the creature after Amon impregnated it with oil, but failing to set it on fire. Salapane walks up to the creature after it's down and lights it on fire.   Grimmaz heads out and notices a lump of fresh lead that's been sitting there for 3-4 days. Next to it a note… Something fell out of the sky and landed in the middle of the hamlet. It mentions something about strange things. A tree mutated and took on life, attacking the locals. The locals developed strange skin features and turned into some kind of monster. Some have been killed. Can be stopped with holy …   Grimmaz takes the note.   After exiting the house, Salapane starts to feel sick and can see her body slowly turn translucent around the abdomen area. Confused the group heads out of the hamlet away from the effective area of the shining stone. But the affected area does not return to normal. Kellog stays with Salapane and Grimmaz and Reolus head back into the hamlet towards the stone.   Closer to the Rock, Reolus gets affected and loses a bit of fur on the top of his head. Grimmaz experiences a weird sensation closer to the meteoroid. Grimmaz heads back and smacks the lead that he found into a plate to stop bits of radiation after which Grimmaz uses it to soften the radiation.

Rewards Granted

7300 XP

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
02 Sep 2023

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