Session 04: Between Time Report

General Summary

The heroes had a bit of down time. There they went to the Ugly Duckling tavern sitting in a spot to overhear conversations.   By doing so they heard to mercenaries (Turi O'York & Floki Bigbeard) saying they were laid off from an iron mine after it collapse and were going north to Aachen where the main forces of the Franks were gathering. They were going to fight as mercenaries for the Franks to attack the Saxons. Grimnas decided to join them. Later that night Grimnas gets a few more drinks and starts playing his flute to everyone's enjoyment.   Fleec heard that a merchant had a small pot of pepper to be sent to Parisius (worth about 5000gp), and decided to rob it. At the same time they were told a package was to be sent from Hundi Gunthr to the Burgomaster of Parisius. Turns out it is a wagons worth of goods. Fleec proceeds to steal the pot of pepper (made of white china with a blue dragon design round it). He spends that night at a tavern at the docks sending a bar wench with ale to the guards in the merchant guild. He done this over three nights. On the second day he picks up his new short sword and leather armour. And Grimnas reminds him of the Halfling herbalist near the armourer where he buys sleeping dust. He mixed the dust into the ale for the guards and knocked them out. Proceeding to slip in, Fleec tries the door and it is locked. From there he picks the keys from the guards and unlocks the door. Lifting the pot, he also lifts another similar pot with the colours reversed containing salt. He then escapes.   After getting the two mercenaries and the cart early in the morning, they set off. By the time they get to Saltsburg they rest the night in an inn, and start in the morning again. They travel along a mountain road that takes them through modern Switzerland, and up among some mountains. Eventually they notice more farming communities in the valleys, and come across a crossroads where they are burying the body of a young woman who committed suicide (her husband disappeared a few weeks before / suspected bandits). The Priest attending allows Grimnas to help and they bury her. The priest (Father Vladimir) tells them the local village is called Fuken and they can stay at a monastery he deals with on down the road. They all stay there and start traveling again with Grimnas saying he will be back that way and checking up on them.   They travel on down the road where they come across a part of the road with a forest on one side and a smaller part on the other. Six men are pulling down a tree on the right side, and it turns out they are bandits. These are killed in due course, with a couple of shots from Fleec and Grimnas splattering a few and decapitating one. Grimnas enters the forest a bit and finds their now empty camp.    After this they start travelling again and they notice hey are starting to travel down onto plains. In the distance they can see farms, very small settlements, and a small town with a flag flying from a mast on a building in the middle of it. They pass locals who are pleasant to them. Getting closer they can see its a market town with a blacksmith, tannery and sawmill. They also see the town centre with a well and a market set up. It is called Wessian and the flag is one of the Frankish king.

Rewards Granted

350 XP

Missions/Quests Completed

Leaving Wien for the first time.

Character(s) interacted with

Unnamed merchant, guard, barmaid, cart wranglers, farmers & villagers, armourer, Halfling herbalist.   Bandits.   Father Vladimir, Turi O'York, Floki Bigbeard, Hundi Gunthr., Childeric Ludger.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Fleec Snow

Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf ()
Rogue/assassin 8
61 / 61 HP

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Player Journals
Bumming around Wein h by Grimmaz
Report Date
21 May 2021
Primary Location

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