Session 100: End of a Chapter Report

General Summary

The team meet up as one last time in the Eschbach Shields and are summoned by Count de Ath to the Townhall.   When they arrive they are setted then the Count informs them of what is happening.   Grimmaz is being raised up to a Duke and the town of Eschbach is being made into a Duchy. He has to use the motte-and-bailey regularly as a residence while keeping his own house in town. This is to take over from the usual town hall meetings where possible though local council meetings and other minor local meetings still take place in the townhall.   He also has to travel the following day up to Aachen to help with the Saxon Wars along with the cancellation of possible marriage to Couhntess Gabrielle de Rais. He also is to fill in the court with whatever details he can about any goings on with the Necrocult & suchlike.   Reolus & Anselma are raised up to the levels of Huscarls, given 100 gold each, and a couple of other boons for their service. Reolus ihas the brewery paid off, and he has to send a small shipment up to the Court to be tested and possibly marked as an official beer of the Crown. He is to have a house built beside the brewery to show his status.    Anselma is to have her house extended and turned into a larger property befitting of an ambassador of her people, and practical & essential supplies secretly sent through to them to use as needed.   Owle is officially adopted and has to take up a trade, likely as a ranger for the town.   They show Count de Ath the dragon, wyvern & griffon and he leaves their fate up to them. The latter is generally going round everyone enjoying itself. The count also states that the goblins of Goblintown is constantly raiding mines & trade wagons of the de Rais but that is generally kept hushed up, as the de Rais can't touch the town itself, at least directly.   Grimmaz & Reolus both get poisoned while eating during the feast that follows.   Both cured by Meaven, she goes to find out why as it's food from the tents behind the townhall belonging to the Court. She disappears and Grimmaz goes to look for her. Questioning the staff & the guards, she was last seen being forced out of the back of one tent and took in the direction of a smaller tent where rubbish etc is being sorted. The cook that is with her moves stiffly and smells of rot.   Eventually, she is found amongst the rubbish hiddem & knocked out and another piece of evidence is found. A suspicious cook is spotted that looks like a very pale elf was seen that nobody knows.   The guards are sent to raise Hue & Cry, and the other party members are sent for. Maeven is brought round and still not 100%.   They proceed to take her to the Eschbach Shields. On the way there, they spot a pale elf cok coming along who produces a poisoned knife and tries to attack Reolus. Anselma steps forward knocking the knife away and stands on it. She finds that Reolus s the target here and they have him overpowered by guards who take the knife. He bites a poison capsule in his mouth and violently dies of poisoning. They realise that the elf was a Shadar-Kai and sent to kill him only. The Shadar-?Kai is wearing a silver & raven feather brooch on the left shoulder, incredibly pale, and wore black armour.   They get Maeven into the tavern, get her up to a room with a guard outside (the Half-Orc bouncer), all the while realising there is another assassin in town after Grimmaz.   They go back and find the stiffly moving rot smelling assassin in the same tent as Maeven was in. Grimmaz throws an axe & sinks into the cook's chest. The illusion fades and he is wearing the top & bottoms of a cook but everything about him is a rotting corpse. Anselma shoots him through the eye & brain with an arrow. Before being decapitated, he says that he was sent to punish Grimmaz for blocking the tunnel out of the City of the Dead in the Urals. They are shown where to look by an Anglo-Saxon monk called Edward & his aide a Ms Sasha. Edward also says that they were friends of Fleecr Snow, and followed tales of him up to here.   When Grimmaz cuts the head off he accidentally dislodges the arrow and sends it into Anselmas shoulder but it is just a scrape.   After all this commotion they play a few games with others. The first is an archery competion with Owle dropping out first, then Reolus, and then Grimmaz as Anselma beats them all. Next is an axe throwing contest with Reolus fiddling with Grimmaz's axe causing him to loose again to Anselma.   Reolus & Grimmaz is left one last game that had been brewing for a long time, the wrestling match. Reolus manages to win the first round especially since Grimmaz has a major fumble and accidentally taps out. The second round goes the opposite way and Reolus accidentally knocks himself out.   After this Owle is taken to his bed by Magnar, while Anselma excuses herself & follows. Grimmaz stays up and starts to play the flute and tells stories to those that remains. Reolus goes to his bed. Father Tossil then tells Grimmaz he has been called back to Wien, and Edward the Monk (of the same Order) is temporarily taking over the church until things settle down. Tossil may be gone for some time, months at least.   Afterwards they part and Everybody sleeps.   Getting up in the morning Grimmaz gets his stuff together to travel with Count de Ath, the caravan, and some of the Goblins of Goblintown. At the same time, the rest meet up to say goodbye to him and will see him in the future when he comes back a full & proper Duke.

Rewards Granted

Grimmaz & Anselma raised up to Level 20, and Owle up a level. Dukedom & Huscarl ranks given. 100 gold to Reolus and a new house. Anselma given ambassador & new house. A ring of constitution goes to Grimmaz, a ring of stealth to Reolus, and a ring of strength goes to Anselma.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Reolus Rhin

Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
01 Jun 2024
Primary Location

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