Session 54: Under Pressure Report

General Summary

The heroes are at the end of the battle where it is not looking too good. Kulug is sent to the temple as he is injured, and the rest prepare to face the lead Draugr. More powerful than the rest him and his guard dismount and two try to fire lit arrows at the temple missing it. The Draugr moves in while the two sides face off.   Grimmaz starts hacking & slashing, while Reolus stabs the Draugr. Anselma tries to shoot the Draugr at the same time hitting Grimmaz in the left butt cheek. They carry on fighting and Grimmaz takes quite a bit of damage in the process, and Reolus stabs himself in the leg. Anselma manages to eventually hit perfectly sending an arrow through each eye of the Draugr where it falls to it's knees and starts to fall back. Grimmaz decapitates it, causing the last remaining lieutenant to grab the head, get it's horse and ride off.   They find Jarl Magnus Ulfsson and his Skald dead to one side. They make their way up to the temple and get some healing. Alfre is helping out after getting some pixies from the Feywild to help with looking after people. Grimmaz & Reolus get some healing, and Grimmaz has a broken bone in his shoulder.   Grimmaz asks about the Draugr and it is the remains of a king from western Sweden near the Scandes that tried to dominate the whole area and Uppsala. His Jarls & Theigns eventually stabbed him in the back killing him. His need for revenge caused him to rise as a Draugr and the Necrocult won him over to their side. Grimmaz worries that the Draugr may come back sometime after his head was took.    At the same time, they are offered a chest full of hack silver worth about 250 silver pieces and either a magical tattoo or necklace of Mjolnir. This will act as additional protection in the future. Anselma takes a necklace, Grimmaz takes the tattoo on his leg, and Reolus on his left shoulder blade after having the place shaved first.   They are now resting at Uppsala until fit to move.

Rewards Granted

6900 XP, 250 silver, and two Mjolnir tattoos & One Mjolnir necklace (+1 to AC and +1 to WIS saving throws).

Character(s) interacted with

Kulug Jocki, Alfre and the Hofgothi of Uppsala.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
13 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Temple of Uppsala

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