Session 05: Blood & Meat Report

General Summary

Rukk is in the church looking at older magical artifacts. He comes across the blades the group brought back last time. There is certain magic in the handles of the blades which will burn the hands. The group decides to go to the council and on the way stop at the groove to check in on the animals.   A man with pale blonde hair is talking to the green dragon in Draconic. It seems like a man from up North.     Moo (Archi) joins.     He casts comprehend languages on Rukk. Rukk then hears the conversation of the man and the green dragon. The man is trying to get the dragon to join them in conjuring up the avatar or to join the dragons mother. The dragon remembers a multi-headed dragon sitting on an unknown long temple.     The dragon remembers different times when lizard type people are fighting a war in the desert.     Archi understand the mother of dragons being Tiamat, and the avatar being the Leviathan.     Archi decides to go into the cave further and interrupt the man and the green dragon. As he walks in the dragon seems relieved with the distraction.   The man gets bewitched by Archi and Archi sees some history.     The man seems to be responsible for destroying an elven village.     While exiting the cave, the man talks to Magnar and Arne saying that he will see them again in the future.     The dragon explains that the man is called the Winter Storm, part of his name that is. As his full name isn't known.   When dragons get older, they can change their appearance for some time. And that person was a dragon in human form.     Arne remembers an old tale. The take that is told is; the Kenku have been kicked out of many towns/villages around the area that have been decimated by a white dragon about a century ago. They took allot of treasure with a bunch of white kobolds.     Once at the council, Arne shares the information from the green dragon with the council where Reolus and Anselma are present. Via Message he also explains to Reolus about the green dragon talking about the white dragon. After which the party takes up mission to investigate the small hamlet to the South filled with Halflings.     For unknown reasons people are disappearing around that town.     The group travels coming across a few goblins who are waving them down while they are on their way to Eshbach. At which point the group waves back. After it slowly turns dark the group decides to make camp.     The group rests the night and continue on to the hamlet afterwards.     The group gets welcomed by the halflings with a big banquet. They get taken in front of the elders with a big table in front. The table gets filled with meat and vegetables. Which Arne decides to eat the vegetables and bread while dipping the bread in the ale.     Magnar eats the meat it tastes like something from the nobles court.     Archi tries to use detect magic and tries to investigate the food. After investigating he notices something is wrong, thus throwing up. Magnar takes Archi outside while he's throwing up. While Archi explains to Magnar that the food they are eating is made out of goat sheep and human.     Magnar connects the dots and wonders if it's normal for halflings to eat humans.     Arne looks around and counts about 25 halflings, which he will remember. This count includes children and older halflings. After which Mangar returns while Archie heads down the mountain with the excuse of aptitude sickness which is actually altitude sickness.     At the back of the village hall seems to be a door setup as some storm doors. Arne makes a distraction after which Archi heads through the doors and goes down a flight of stairs. He comes into a large room.     On the right is pile of clothes bavarian and germanic.     2 bodies are hanging by the feet as pigs which are carved up. Another body is on the table which is stripped down to the skeleton. A bucket next to the table contains the remains. There are different sizes humans there, from children to grown-ups.     Archi head trough the opposite door and ends up behind the party, amazing everyone that Archi came out of that door which he shouldn't come through. Lots of chaos ensued making the party run away while setting stuff on fire. After getting on the horses and getting away the chase died down and the halflings gave up chasing.     Archie explains what he discovered and the group hurries back even trough darkness back to Eschbach.   They come across a group of goblins near the mines which they warn for the halflings. The goblins offer some food to Archie (beef jerky) which he passes.     Once back at Eschbach, Magnar explains what happened to Fleur of the council.

Rewards Granted

75 Gold, and a piece of jade worth 100 to 150 gold.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Reolus Rhin

Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP
Report Date
12 Jul 2024

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