Session 76: Choosy Beggars Report

General Summary

Amon wakes up and drags himself off to patrol the town of Eschbach. Finding the Dwarven smiths of Childrec has finished the kitting out of their forge he asks them to make a souped up rapier, and he can trade in his old rapier.   Grimmaz soon shows up after hearing it is effectively running and danders down to sort out the iron ore & ingots, and the silver ore & ingots. They will have these sorted as soon as possible. Also they run into Mikheal Andolf and he is paying off the Dwarves for maintaining & increasing the armoury of the local militia.   Tring to work out what to do next, they decide to visit Alfre at the sacred grove.There they ask her to contact Bushtail, as they want to travel to Novgorod and see what is happening there with the Necrocult. Afterwards they go to the inn.   Anselma has woken up and travelled to the other grove to check on it. It seems to be ok, and she talks to the Treant who asks how she is and to tell her all is well. He wants to hear other stories of her adventures when she has the time.   Afterwards she goes to the other grove checking on the griffon chick / foal. It is in good health and is told that Amon & Grimmaz is planning to talk to someone when a character Bushtail arrives. They are at the inn, and she eventually goes to join them   In the inn, Amon & Grimmaz try a new type of ale that came from Rotterdam. Thi innkeeper is waiting on their representative.  Anselma walks in and gets a cider. All of them are enjoying their drinks when they notice the bottles saying it is attached to a group called the Master Dutch Breweries, and the exact brewer is The Witches of Wheaterwick Brewery, and the tagline: Adding a bit of magical sparkle to your drink.   They notice a young lady then at the bar who appeared and is checking out their reactions. She is Master Magical Brewer Elvira Appel and looking to set up a local trade route in the inn & drinking establishments in Eshbach before moving on. Grimmas tells her if 3 souch drinks prove to be popular by testing them against the locals tastes to talk to the council and he'll sign it off. She will help set up and local brewery supplying some equipment, expertise and contacts. Latter will come about if the results are positive.   Bushtail arrives and they get down to business. bThe Necrocult is amassing a massive force in the Dyatlov Pass where an entrance to the local holdings exist. The city of Novgorod are looking those with some experience to help try to contain it, work out a plan, and sort it out. Chances are they'll attack. They have spies & agents in Novgorod causing havoc.   They go up to the sacred grove to pass through a Hidden Path in the Feywild to get there quickly. They do so arriving in no time and Amon recognizes the local language as a similar dialect of Slavic similar to his own.   There appears as if there is Nordic presence with two longships docked at the port, a great hall guarded by Huscarls aand a rune stone as well.   They are allowed in and shown up to the local Rus chieftain Lord Gregor, and Maria Mar. They are loking for help. The forces are building up and they say Maria's family was killed at the Pass while she escaped. She hit in a tunnel big enough for a few people to hide in and marked with Fey runes. There they can remain hidden if they can make it there & spy on the enemy. A good percentage is still in the underground city and making its way out.   Numbers are needed about the size, and what composes it. Also, any information is to be gathered and an attack on the city may be of use to cause maximum damage. They explain that if the entrance is damaged or destroyed it will take decades or centuries for the Necrocult to rebuild. And attack on the city of the dead there, especially if the ruler, a Lich called Shiva-Nergal is killed, it would take centuries or millennia before the local Necrocult is fully operational again while infighting takes place.   In the meantime while the locals try to organise themselves properly, the team can help out by stabilizing the city by removing any spies or agents they find.

Rewards Granted

9000 XP

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Reolus Rhin

Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
16 Dec 2023

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