Session 69: Easter is Coming Report

General Summary

Grimmaz tells the council that he thinks he knows who the spy is. He apologizes for bringing this upon the town. He tells the council that he is going to sort it out.   Anselma seeks out Grimmaz, A while back Grimmaz was busy with his lordship duties. Emma helped Anselma to get back to her own world, thus she setup a portal. When I went over there yesterday I saw that some of the trees are wilting and some of the treants are coughing. The treant saw a suspicious person going through the portal. Grimmaz looks alarmed and asks Anselma to show it.   Grimmaz and Anselma head off to the portal next to Anselma's house. A treant is still coughing a bit. A few mushrooms around the portal seem to be shriveled up. Seems like the life is sucked out of them and they are slowly dying. While pointing to the portal Grimmaz asks if the portal leads to Anselma's home world. Anselma confirms this and mentions that her husband already went through the portal to visit family.   Grimmaz asks Anselma to get Emma Duckthorn. Anselma finds Emma in the groove near the church doing her business. Anselma relays the information to Emma.   Emma speaks a few spells near the treants and the mushrooms. The treants stop coughing, when sitting next to the mushrooms Emma notices that something undead seems to have passed along there. Anselma feels guilty about having requested the portal.   Grimmaz wonders how the undead managed to move through the lands without having been detected. Emma can only guess about it, making Grimmaz ask if Anselma wants them to hunt the undead in her land? Emma suggests that she goes through the portal to take care of the undead. As Emma can reopen the portal from the other side.   Grimmaz gets a couple of Burgeaters and Emma to go with Anselma when the time comes to go hunt the undead in her own lands. Emma hands an acorn to Grimmaz explaining how Grimmaz can use it to contact Emma when needed.   The group moves through the portal and find footprints on the other side of the portal. It is early morning and it seems like the creatures went through the portal in the night. Emma takes care of the treants. Anselma starts tracing the undead.   Anselma finds a few holes around the portal. She calls Emma, and Emma mentions that it seems to be something that feeds on others life force that has come from the hole. It's traveled further on. Anselma and Emma take care of the undead in her homeland and return through the portal with a wounded Burgeater and the dead remains of the other.   Grimmaz finds Reolus in the meantime to go find the spy which Grimmaz mentions is Eleia. After talking to the burgeater that is stationed at Eleia's house the group searches further to the Inn, after not finding her they go to the messenger area and find out that Eleia might have gone to the marketplace.   Eleia steals a few copper coins from the marketplace and then notices Grimmaz appearing. Eleia, Grimmaz and Reolus enter the Inn and get to eating breakfast. After eating the group heads to the council.   Grimmaz confronts Eleia Gold about her being the spy. Being disappointed in Eleia. Eleia is surprised and wanted to talk about this last night before going to bed. Grimmaz confronts Eleia about his stands with Gabrielle de Reis.   Reolus explains that he is partly responsible for getting Eleia into the village by traveling. Eleia bares herself showing her horns. Reolus asks if she's a goat or something. Eleia says no, and mentions she's a Tiefling. At which Reolus says ah so you've got a tail which is why there's a hole in your pants.   Kollug was going to draw his sword but Grimmaz stopped her.   When Eleia was young, she was abused and put to death several times. Kept in isolation where she learned how to escape, pick locks, and run. She's been doing that several times over without being able to remember how many times. She gets caught and taken back and imprisoned continuously.   She mentions how she's lived a life of crime, that she got mixed in with the wrong people and didn't realize how bad they were. She's taken the name gold because she likes gold and has golden eyes. Eleia never met people who've been good to her and the de Reis have been holding her heritage against her.   Eleia mentions the package had vial of poison and a request to kill him. Eleia wrote back conflicted as she felt welcome. Eleia did write a note back as the de Reis didn't keep their promise. Eleia asked for payment up front, thinking she needed funds if she needed to run again.   We know what you are and where you are, do it or else.   As far as being a spy, I guess you can call me that. I was supposed to find Cyrielle and get close to her. The only information I send away was that I believe I found her but didn't cross paths with her.   Grimmaz hands the note to the council. Saying that he has made a decision. He's willing to cancel the punishment.   Reolus convinces Eleia to not just point a target on herself. Eleia suggests sending a message. The council suggests that Eleia and Reolus start a secret police force.   Grimmaz wants to let Charlemagne know that he's handpicking a group of secret operatives. Charlemagne needs to approve this.   Eleia gets 28 gold pieces in a pouch from Grimmaz. And welcomes Eleia to his lands.   Eleia goes to send a message back to the de Reis saying assasination failed, and Grimmaz is going for a drink.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Reolus Rhin

Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
20 Oct 2023

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