Session 64: Down in the Dark Report

General Summary

Sandy black sand heading down surrounded by black rocks. Looks like a tower? To the right path heading upwards next to the cavern wall.     The group heads down, there seems to be a tower on the right.     There is a very big tower in the cavern with onyx on it.   At some point a bell is heard from the tower with a baby's crying sound. Down a massive wet-stone area is visible.     While heading down the party sees some movement up ahead. Black colored things with some mist around. Human sized/built and something close to it.     The group comes across a few people with different torturous marks on their body. They also find Birgen the Winter Storm the dragon tied up and locked down. After a short conversation the 3 people who approached (Cenobites) head into the tower. Amon approaches Birgen. Taunting it.     Birgen warns that serpents can come who take human form. They have a family of agents pretty deep in the Frankish Empire. The lord of this domain is dangerous, the one you follow might be powerful but you never know what is around these parts.     The party hears a deep roar from far far away.   The big black dragon appears and throws some food (a whale) to Birgen to recover.     The group heads into the Onyx tower as that seems to be the last safe place. Inside they see a bronze bell hanging that is ringing. Grimmaz tries to stop the bell from ringing, and when he tries. Anselma sees a Cenobite.     The bell is like 20 meters tall.     Reolus suggests using the Mistletoe Blood Clot. After which the bell stops ringing.   After the bell stops running papyrus can be seen flying around. Reolus, Grimmaz, Anselma start running away.     Amon confronts Stitchscar.   Amon parlays with Stitchscar and survives the encouter. But has to sacrifice an evil person to Stitchscar. At what cost to him though in the future? The group seeing that they where not charged by Stitchscar, waited for Amon outside the tower.     Once out the group heads to the direction they didn't go in yet. They come out in the outskirts of Alexandria. They find a bit snakeskin with 4 arms in the sand. Grimmaz takes the snakeskin. On the outside there are 4 pillars.   The pillars have elements carved in with snakes, pyramids, and two strange 'monsters' on it: a huge sea serpent like creature with strange sharp designs on it, and the other a void like creature with multiple eyes.      The group moves to an oasis, there they find human, bipedal canine feet, Insect feet, and some snake tracks.     Moving back through the catacombs the group heads back to the library. They come across 3 snake people.     Snake 1, Snake 2, Snake 3.     The group heads up to the Loxodon and shows the dead Yuan-Ti to the Loxodon.     The group explains what they found to the Loxodon.     The Loxodon will pass it on and get a regiment to protect the library. He does mention that there is some way to 'cap' the place & stop some of the evil escaping over time.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Fleec Snow

Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf ()
Rogue/assassin 8
61 / 61 HP

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
22 Sep 2023

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