Session 49: Hi Ho Hi Ho, it's up the world we go... Report

General Summary

Morning comes, we're all packed up and ready to move. Heading to Aachen first. Heading North with a wagon. Whole gang joins up on the travels.   When Grimmaz & Reolus get in the wagon there's stone masons in there and one person with a hood. Can't make up who the person in the cloak is, pretty well made cloak. Wheels bouncing around on the stones, everyone's quiet no-one speaks. Except Grimmaz and Reolus. Grimmaz fills in Reolus on what happened in the past. Battle of Aachen mass undead battle, after battle Charlemagne found Grimmaz and Grimmaz was gifted a boon/land of the home of Grimmaz. Same with Trade town as income which lead to Saxon Jarl Athelbrooke that has been dispatched. Which gained favour of Charlemagne. Charlemagne went to the people sea to be crowned emperor of holy roman empire, on his way back he was visiting all the towns/villages on the route. So he visited Eschbrook. Grimmaz displeasure of Saxons and Evil Cults stems from this history.   Couple yards away up the road checkpoint by Frankish militia setup. Taking something out of the woodlands. Grimmaz describes his character who is walking up to the checkpoint. Grimmaz introduced to the Franks, slight problem nothing worrisome. Body found man with tattoo's on the face. Blue spirals on both cheeks and part of forehead. Seems to be a decapitated body. Looks like something with the Celts. Guy came past us, was asking about some-one called the Dacian. They searched for a Dacian which was with Charlemagne so they looked for Charlemagne and took Victor back. The decapitation is somewhat the same as before. There was a fight beforehand which seems to be related to the fight with the Dacian They seemed to settle some type of problem. The dude we called was send North again. After the battle strange sights where seen. Later we took a look and found the body.   Frankish guards seen Claude around. Claude was following the processing of Charlemagne. They are packing up the caravan again, they are ready in another 15 minutes. Grimmaz tells the traveling menagerie &as he calls them there is an incident which happened near Ashbrook. I'm going to investigate. Seems to be a natural groove in that part of the forest with a small spring. Procession follows Grimmaz into the forest. Easy location to get to. Slightly overgrown path but easy to find. Allot of groundwater, there's a small spring and looks like there has been a fight there. At some stage someone had missed with a longsword and cut a couple of small bushes. If this person was looking for the Dacian, the Dacian was actually with Charlemagne. Unless Charlemagne send him off. The decapitation might have something to do with Ashbrook. We found the Iberian mercenary. Both notice burn marks around the area where the body fell. Reolus noticed as if the body may have been shifter slightly as if it was picked up and dropped again. Reolus relays this and reminds Grimmaz of Victor as being a Dacian. Something on the road decapitating people? Grimmaz wonders. As we are leaving the groove heading to the groove Grimmaz tells about the fact that Claude is following the noble expedition. We think it's a strange place as we found the Northman decapitated and now this dude with blue light. We take the body from the Frankish guards up North. The body seems to be especially from the neck down, any injuries seemed to be healed immediately. Perhaps a healing potion perhaps something magical. Reolus ties the body really tight while traveling up North. We manage to catch up to the tails end of one of the main forces behind Charlemagne's Procession. Some supplies, we notice that one of them has our guy Claude pronged up on a seat keeping him from moving or escaping. Something slightly suspicious about Claude showing up with the body. Grimmaz heads over to the guards around the wagon with Claude, asking what the story is. Strange incident according to the guard. The guard found him in the forest. Slippery little one. Grimmaz asking Claude, so young man, what do you have to say for yourself now? Didn't kill anyone I'm afraid Lord Grimmaz . Head a fight, saw strange lights after. Keep being hunted at night. Keep seeing the sight near the charcoal burners camp. It's stalking me now.   Claude didn't witness the fight, just heard bits of it. Grimmaz looking at the bonds. Claude is certainly heading North. Grimmaz might be able to put a word in for Claude. Grimmaz asks what Countess de Rais want from Cyrielle. Claude thinks it has something to do with magic. Maybe in doctored some way. Maybe she got away with any luck she has. Claude is looking to contact someone to bail him out so that he can continue his mission. Cyril should be a noble around her 20s green eyes, reddish hair, traveling incognito. Grimmaz will talk to the guards as long as Claude behaves himself. Grimmaz isn't finished with Claude as he wants to dig deeper. For now Grimmaz is finished with Claude. Reolus sees that the other travel companion seems to be female. Grimmaz and Reolus just keep ignoring the female.   Grimmaz managed to figure out that the person Claude was chasing was seemingly a young noble female with red hair, green eyes. If anyone notices anyone who matches that description let me know. I'm not one for the de Rais family no matter how much sway I have for that family. If only they where Saxons so much easier comments Grimmaz Reolus you might over the course of the last few days, you may realize one of Grimmaz sayings is the only good Saxon is a dead Saxon. Even though Willhelm is a Saxon. Willhelm will always protest about it. Small clearing ahead. People want to take a long rest. Most of them parked in the centre and they are starting to get everyone off the wagons. Wooden style buildings all around.  Village hall around the market place. Local militia comes over. If you need anything, there's still a couple of spaces in the inn for food/drink. If you want room better be quick.   Grimmaz asks if we can do anything for the village elder. Asked if they have any extra space. Recently we've had a young lady come trough heading north Looking for her husband. Maybe she can accompany yourselves to go north with you guys. The lady is over at the inn at the moment. Lady is over by the fire. Young women dressed for travel with bow and arrow. Anselma introduced, she's sitting there worried, looks up to see the party and smiles a little bit. Leather clad archer… Seems to be the person. Grimmaz introduces Lord Fearon from Eschbrook, Elsilma Thunderwood forests. Searching for husband, husband on quests, fear that he is in danger seeking to assist him. Grimmaz never head of them, but considering the size of the empire. Land of Windsomhord is very far away. Fears becoming a bit lost, maybe you all can find a way to find my husband. My husband was on a noble quest to dangerous lands and wanted no-one to follow him. I pieced some clues together from his documentation and journey and I believe I tracked him down to this area. I'm almost confident, but I do need some help. Grimmaz asks the name.   Magnar, blond man quite strong tall muscular and very handsome. Fits allot of people in this area. His brother draws allot and made a portrait, shows portrait of husband drawn by brother of husband. Anselma Thunderlake forest is name. Grimmaz heads to the bar and orders a meat delicacy and a flagon of ale. Alfie just flinging around looking at people all the time around Grimmaz. Alfie seems to be curious about the hooded old lady. There seems to be a familiarity between the pixy and the hooded granny. Pixy is going near the granny, there's something about you. No idea what it is. Cyrielle comes closer to the pixy, can you keep a secret? Cyrielle drops the illusion and shows a true face of Cyrielle herself. Cyrielle is look for a group that offers safe passage. Pixy points at the door and tells you can trust us, but not that man named Claude. Cyrielle talks in Sylvan, asks if the groups is trustworthy that Alfie came with. The group does their own things. Alfre points to the High Elf, he can be a weird one sometimes. I'll introduce myself to the others. Reolus warns Grimmaz about this a bit that Grimmaz should teach Alfie not to talk to strange grandma's or take candy from them. Grimmaz turns around and talks to Alfie. Grimmaz head to Alfre to see whom Alfie is talking to. Alfie is talking to the lady from the cart with the hood. Alfie seems to be having a conversation with her and seems happy around her. She's a nice person. Maybe she can help us in the future Alfre says. Grimmaz now recognizes the person from the wagon. Grandma stands up and pulls the hood back, the illusion disappears and now it appears that Cyrielle is the grandma with a fake face. Ale going down with weird faces. Grimmaz: so you are Cyrielle. Cyrielle is with the caravan staying low. Cyrielle is seeking for a party with protection. It appears with the talk with Alfre that we have some mutual benefits. Alfre doesn't like evil doers. So if she's happy to converse with you, you must be of decent qualities. Waves mug at caravan outside and tells Claude is tied up in one of the wagons out there. We've had a run in with him and because he's working for the de Rais I have no lost love. I suggest you keep your hood up if we make it back outside. Remain out of eye shot of him. We don't want to have word out that you've been spotted. I've mentioned that you've travelled up North as Claude was in my town. Cyrielle didn't know about the countess. We are going up North to Aachen and then on to the Baltic Sea. Perhaps that is far enough out of reach of the countess to avoid her grasp. That will be more than suitable. As Cyrielle agrees. Grimmaz looks for his food and sees Reolus reaching for his boar. At the same time Reolus will share some of his food with Grimmaz. Once done eating Grimmaz starts playing a flute. Anselma thinks the music is nice from Grimmaz's flute. Seems to be a simple wooden flute. Anselma is showing a lot of interest in the flute…   Grimmaz is asked by Anselma about the group. He explains it as follows: Tabaxi we found in a tree, bit of trouble but good soul. Hobgoblin, Kulug follows me around since many moons ago. Alfre, was saved sort of by Grimmaz after her grove got destroyed by Saxons. Willhelm, Saxon by nature. Cyrielle, just met but I'm familiar with her family nemesis. And I have no love lost for that family. So I'll help her out with passage to the North. And that are my companions. Anselma is part of a forest people who depends on nature, very skilled with plants and animals and great at hunting. Ventured out of the forest, known to many people as a ranger, didn't call it that natively. Grimmaz tells backstory to Anselma. Anselma shows compassion. Grimmaz needs some air so heads out. Grimmaz gets a shock the one with Claude on it. His head pushed back some humanoid. From the inside we hear Grimmaz roar. Anselma goes out worried for Grimmaz. Grimmaz sees a figure "eating" Claude.   The creature appears as a Nosferatu type undead that is feeding & savaging Claude's neck. It jumps down to attack Grimmaz. Anselma rushes out, pulls out her longbow & an arrow, firing & hitting it. The rest pile out and a fight starts. Grimmaz cuts into the creature a few times, Anselma shots it three times, Gabrielle psychically damages it making it miss & benefitting Reolus who uses his daggers, while Kulug misses as usual. Reolus finishes it off with some fancy dagger work to the heart. The body effectively disintegrates at this time and leaves the skeleton, ragged clothing & something in the clothes. When examined, it is a gold disc from the Celt's skeleton that has Ogham script saying This Opens The door to the Dark Kin.   Claude is also examined and is dead. The skeleton is burned, and Claude's so there is no chance of them returning.   After that, Grimmaz goes to get more ale, camps out at the wagon and starts drunkenly saying that the world is full of evil beings & groups.

Rewards Granted

6,500 XP each.

Composed primarily of notes taken by Pretmaker (go show him some love here on World Anvil). Tarted up by myself, with additional parts added.
9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
08 Jun 2023

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