Session 65: Pulled into a village Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 65: Pulled into a village Report

General Summary

The group heads to the harbor and find the dockmaster to find the next date/time of passage. An elderly human is the dockmaster sitting in a backroom with scribes around writing down information.     Later this evening, the eye of the Sahara with a local crew with silk goes to Vienna. They are able to take you up which will take about 1 night. A cutter ship.     Amon feels a cold breeze on the back of his neck.   Reolus asks Amon to take care of warning the church that we are coming soon and ask them for lodging.     After reserving the spot on the cutter, Amon takes care of the message that gets send ahead.   Reolus sends another message to Father Tossil, mentioning:   Stichscar, Birgen, the avatar, coming back in 5-7 days.     Ship boards at 7 pm, now it's about 1030 am. Reolus visits the lady that sold the clothes.   You were followed when your group entered the market first time.     If you're ever back here come and see me here.   Reolus warns for the dangers underneath Alexandria.     The group grabs some food and then make it to the cutter.     Reolus puts the luggage below deck.     After some time on sea the group gets alerted to something scaley and white in the water. After some time it appears to be Birgin the dragon, he flies out of the water towards the North.     The Kotter is a very fast ship, thus they arrive the next day early in the morning.   Amon gets wine as soon as the ship enters harbor.     Reolus goes to find the tree that he can enjoy.   Amon is searching for a tavern. After finding one the group enters the tavern     Amon finds a table of 8.     After some time Eleia comes up to the party and makes a small bet with Amon. Amon wins the bet and takes 1 gold from Eleia. Eleia explains that she is looking for someone named Cyrielle de Orléans.   Reolus explains that Cyrielle is not an unique name and that it might be someone he knows, but there are too many people with the same name. Even the surname does not seem to ring a bell.     Eleia explains that Cyrielle was moving up North. Reolus remains oblivious about it.   Eleia uses slher sleight of hand to get the money back from Amon that she lost and goes to bed.     Amon has a weird vision of becoming a cenobites. And rushes to the church to get an exorcism. But the exorcism isn't very effective. The priest advices to visit father Tossil to get cleansed of the evil that he got tainted with.     Reolus decides to investigate.     Reolus sneaks into Eleia's room without disturbing her seeking information about why she's looking for Cyrielle.   After finding nothing (except a pair of pants with a hole for a tail), Reolus leaves the room and head to the own lodgings and goes to sleep.     Eleia wakes up and asks the innkeeper about the 2 idiot males yesterday. Eleia follows the group and finds out that they plan to travel to Eschbrook.     Reolus sends a message ahead to Eschbrook that their party has a +1 in the form of Eleia.     Afterwards the group gets a merchant caravan that moves up North towards Eschbrook which will take about 1 week.     A group ahead of the caravan is seen, half-orcs who seem to have been hit. Some howling humanoid creatures up ahead. They are called Yeti. The half-orcs leave the caravan at the end of the Alps to report the Yeti situation.     Reolus tries to get information from Eleia about why she wants to meet Cyrielle.     Nearing the end the caravan comes to a halt near the edge of a valley. The black ones live in the valley, so you should not travel through the valley.   The group makes camp there.     The black ones have heard stories of the Unseen Wanderer local legend of a character destroying caravans.   Reolus and a Burgeater talk a bit and tell the black ones that Grimmaz will head back to Eschbrook.   Then they head back to the camp and end their shifts, go to sleep.     The group arrives at Eschbrook at 1 AM after a long travel. Reolus has a house now in the SE near the edge. NW of the house Anselma lives.     Reolus takes Eleia to the Inn to get her a place to sleep, and Reolus grabs a drink and some food at the Inn as 1 AM is a way too early for it to close.     The druid (Emma Duckthorne) approaches Reolus and asks the group to visit the Druids (about the Unseen Wanderer) tomorrow morning and the elders afterwards to discuss the Bladed Pouch.     Amon talks to fFather Tossil, he should pray the whole day while eating only bread and drinking only water to act as penance.   Eleia visits the aviairy to look for a messenger bird. She wants to send a bird to Orléan. Saying, I think I found her in Eschbrook (addressed to Klaus).     Reolus rounds up everyone:   Anselma, Grimmaz, Alfie, Kullog, Cyrielle (old hag).   And go visit the Druids. Emma Duthorne approaches the group, we've got a problem. A stranger come through town the other day, another small wagon train that is destroyed and blamed on the Unseen Wanderer in the South. Every tavern smaller seems to be targeted by it. Except for the hamlet that was touched by the fallen star.     It seems to prevent anything coming and going from here.     Many of us are dealing with the Fey seems to be a Fey intervention. We just don't know exactly if it is or not. But if any of you come across this creature, we would be glad if you could even get a bit of cloth from it's clothing.     Cleaning up the other grove seemed to have angered the spriits a bit.     Reolus suggests thorn bushes around the village.     They head to the elders, Tabaxi from Frisia and from the Farglade clan visited the fort.   Bold chain will be called by name in the month soon enough. The ritual will take place near the bear beer making (drinking) dwarves by the dam in the north. This was 4 days ago. Armored in leather & carrying  couple of seax knives. They got one of the druids to scrye and where she was from. It was exactly where the farglade clan was.     Bjorn interviews Eleia. Eleia passed through Orleans, Meaven bows over, I'm sure Eleia that you'll meet Cyrielle in time. The elders offer her to stay in the tavern to get her sorted out in no time. In place of Misty Step.

9th Century Earth Dungeons & Dragons 5e Campaign

Fleec Snow

Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf ()
Rogue/assassin 8
88 / 61 HP

Reolus Rhin

Chaotic Neutral Tabaxi (Folk Hero)
Rogue 20
143 / 143 HP

Grimmaz Fyrwin

Neutral Human ()
Fighter 14
144 / 144 HP
Report Date
24 Sep 2023

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